
Volume 8 Issue 3

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Page 14 | Abby's Magazine - EMF with Chiropractic Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) since the 20th century have been shown to have a huge increase in society. From nature to man- made, electrical impulses are constantly roaming around the earth coming from all different directions. You may ask yourself, "what do you mean by natural electrical impulses? Does that even exist?" The answer is yes, electromagnetic frequencies actually exist within our bodies. Nerves send signals by transmitting electrical impulses. These signals go from the brain down the spinal cord and out the nerves to different muscles, glands, and organs. There are man-made electromagnetic frequencies as well divided in 4 different sources: electric, magnetic, ionizing, and wireless. Electric refers to anything that uses electricity or that simply needs to be plugged in (computers, lighting, hair dryer, kitchen appliances, etc.). Magnetic focuses on moving electric forces (air conditioning or gas powered engines). Ionizing refers to any kind of radiation (X-rays or gamma rays). Wireless is mainly what sends signals without a cable (bluetooth or Wifi for example). EMF are everywhere around us and inside us. It exists inside and outside of our body. Electrical signals run through our body in order for it to func on correctly. Yet, many outside sources have a way of interrup ng the func ons of within. You have heard all your life as a child to not stand in front of the microwave, and it has everything to do with all the radioac vity that is released with the heat from the microwave to heat your food. This radioac vity can provide imbalances to the electrical impulses in your body specifically from your brain. 10 most common EMF related symptoms are fa gue/weakness, memory loss, sleep disturbance, visual disrup ons, headaches/ migraines, skin problems, brain fog/difficulty concentra ng, heart palpita ons, depression or anxiety, and dizziness. Along with these symptoms have come the correla on between power lines that give off lots of EMF and child cancer (specifically leukemia) at a 30% higher risk. In other words, children that live closer to power lines have been found to have 30% higher risk for cancer. Now the world is being introduced to 5G which will provide a faster electromagne c wave for faster data, immensely increasing the risks.

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