
Volume 8 Issue 3

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Page 34 of 39 - Issue 43 | Page 35 Cellphone Radiation Safety Guidelines Are Outdated Indeed, for those of you who are familiar with the health effects of EMFs and the way the government safety standards are set, such results are li le proof of safety. As noted by Joel Moskowitz, director of the Center for Family and Community Health at UC Berkeley (an area that has taken a stricter stance on EMF awareness and safety), the U.S. Federal Communica ons Commission's (FCC) "guidelines for cellphone radia on adopted in 1996 are outdated and were mostly based on work done by industry-paid scien sts." 5G Rollout Will Exponentially Increase EMF Exposures Whether EMF can cause serious adverse effects is a ques on that is only going to grow stronger over me, especially in light of the 5G rollout. As noted in the The Modesto Bee: "Ripon, CA and many other ci es are preparing for the wireless industry's conversion to 5G technology, designed to provide highspeed Internet service for smartphones. The rollout involves the installa on of hundreds, if not thousands, of 'small cell' devices that will expose people to radiofrequency waves in ci es. Because the 5G technology for wireless carriers will use 'millimeter' waves that travel short distances, around 200 small cell antennas may be needed in a city of Ripon's size, while the es mate for San Jose is more than 4,000." What's worse, the FCC revised its rules rela ng to the rollout of 5G technology in September 2018, limi ng ci es' rights to control the placement of 5G antennas. Los Angeles and other ci es sued to overturn the FCC's new rules, but on January 10, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit sided with the FCC. In an email to Governining. com, Brian Namey, a spokesperson for the Na onal Associa on of Coun es, said: "We are concerned that the FCC's ruling overlooks community decision-making and significantly impedes coun es' ability to ensure public safety and well-being. We share the FCC's goal of expanding broadband access for every American; however, a one- size-fits-all approach will not achieve that goal." What You Need to Know About 5G Unlike the 4G technology currently in use, which relies on 90- foot cell towers with about a dozen antenna ports on each, the 5G system uses "small cell" facili es or bases, each with about 100 antenna ports. These cell bases will be mounted to already exis ng infrastructure such as u lity poles. Ul mately, many if not most homeowners can expect to end up with a 5G-cell base mounted right outside or very near their home. Workplaces and educa onal ins tu ons will also be saturated with MMWs. Once installed in your neighborhood, you won't have a choice to opt out of con nuous 5G exposure, and research compiled by EMF coach and author Lloyd Burrell and others suggests the prolifera on of 5G could turn into nothing short of a public health disaster. Seeing how many are already struggling with electromagne c hypersensi vity, satura ng ci es and suburban areas with MMW radia on will undoubtedly worsen their plight, and add many new sufferers. 5G (5th Genera on) technology relies primarily on the bandwidth of the millimeter wave (MMW), which is primarily between 30 gigahertz (GHz) and 300GHz. The MMW is known to penetrate 1 to 2 millimeters of human skin ssue and has been linked to a number of poten al health problems, including: Eye problems such as lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the produc on of cataracts, and eye damage in rabbits. Impacted heart rate variability, an indicator of stress, in rats and heart rate changes (arrhythmias) in frogs. Pain MMW is actually what's used in crowd control weapons (Ac ve Denial Systems) by the U.S. Department of Defense. It has the ability to cause a severe burning sensa on, suppressed immune func on., depressed growth and increased an bio c resistance in bacteria. By Dr. Mercola and the effects on our Immune System

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