
Volume 5 Issue 3

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shown to be an effec ve leaky gut supplement, comba ng a condi on some mes called "intes nal permeability." This condi on involves undigested food par cles and proteins (like gluten, toxins and microbes) passing into the bloodstream through ny openings in the lining of the GI tract. Once these par cles enter the bloodstream, they o en trigger inflamma on or ini ate or worsen immune responses in the body. These include food sensi vi es, arthri s and inflammatory bowel diseases. Glucosamine supplements, or naturally glucosamine-rich bone broth, help repair damaged ssue and lower inflamma on related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a set of condi ons that are notoriously painful and hard to treat. The supplement may also help repair the lining of the bladder and stomach and intes nes. In 2000, researchers from the University Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology at University College School of Medicine found that glucosamine was an effec ve, inexpensive and nontoxic supplement used for trea ng chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcera ve coli s. Children affected by inflammatory bowel disease tend to have lower levels of glucosamine in the body. Interes ngly, N-acetyl supplementa on (GlcNAc) offered a mode of ac on dis nct from conven onal treatments, resul ng in lower symptoms in 75 percent of pa ents. The researchers found evidence of significant improvements in the majority of pa ents using glucosamine, even those who were unresponsive to other an -inflammatory medica ons and an bio cs. Results showed improved integrity of the GI tract and restora on of healthy epithelial cell structures that helped stop gut permeability. 3. Can Help Relieve TMJ Symptoms TMJ (a disorder related to the temporo-manibular joint in the jaw) is common in young to middle-aged adults and characterized by frequent jaw and neck pains, headaches and trouble sleeping. TMJ affects the joint that connects the jaw to the skull and allows for the head to move up and down, or side to side, normally without pain. As the TMJ joint becomes inflamed and worn down, pain worsens. This makes it harder to talk, eat and func on normally. Studies suggest glucosamine helps ease TMJ symptoms and pain in people with arthri s that effects the jaw. The pain relief is on par with taking NSAID pain relievers can (such as ibuprofen or Advil). Taking 500 to 1500 milligrams of glucosamine daily for several months or years may help you sleep be er, chew and heal while lowering inflamma on in the jaw long-term. 4. Helps Alleviate Bone Degenera on Many people with low bone density and a history of fractures can benefit from taking glucosamine, which assists bone healing. This is especially true if they also have joint pain or a form of arthri s. Some evidence suggests that glucosamine helps preserve ar cular car lage surrounding bones, decreases pain, increases physical func on, and enhances ac vi es in people with bone disorders or those who are at most at risk for bone loss (such as middle-aged and older women). Without glucosamine, everyday movements and tasks would be very difficult and painful. Page 28| Abby's Magazine -

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