
Volume 10, Issue 2

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Page 24 of 31 | # 50| Page 25 Dr. Marlene Siegel Pasco Veterinary Medical Center 813-973-2929 what is expected of them AND you to learn how to communicate correctly. 5. Crate training is valuable. It creates a safe retreat for cats and dogs. They need a place to get away from other pets, toddlers, strangers, and items (like the vacuum cleaner). Crating also prevents unwanted behavior, thereby reducing the need to discipline or strain the parent/pet bond. Consult a professional trainer on the best ways to crate train. 6. Feed a species appropriate diet, support a healthy gut with fermented foods and essential vitamins, minerals, and Parent Essential Fatty Acids. for more details. 7. Provide proper exercise and mental stimulation appropriate for that species and breed. Consult training sites for specific details. 8. Raise parasympathetic tone while lowering sympathetic tone. Sympathetic tone is the part of the autonomic nervous system that regulates short term survival. It is the flight or fight response. When pets are in sympathetic dominance, they cannot relax, learn or have good health. I use several "frequency" devices to entrain my patients into a parasympathetic state so they can relax, repair, regenerate and learn. Pets entrain (take on) their owners energy state. When pet parents learn to relax, their pets will benefit as well. 9. Identify "triggers" that lead to stress or anxiety and avoid them. Using a webcam to see what is happening when you leave the pet alone is useful to help identify the problem. 10. Have a thorough medical work up (CBC, Chemistry panel, Thyroid, Urinalysis, Xrays are standard). I go further and check Vit D, Magnesium, B12, CRP (inflammation marker), arthritis blood marker and cancer marker along with bioenergetic testing to see what is out of balance in the body. 11. Work with a professional trainer to counter condition (change the response to the stimuli with something desirable, like sitting and focusing attention on the owner) or desensitize the pet (introduce the stimuli below the threshold that creates the anxiety and reward the pet for not reacting). Always work with a professional once the proper diagnosis of the behavior disorder is understood. 12. Try natural products before using pharmaceuticals. There are herbs and homeopathic that may work for your pet. Be sure the label is safe for cats since some products may contain ingredients toxic to cats. Always choose fully organic and read the label for added ingredients that may be harmful. 13. CBD oil is my #1 behavioral supplement. Be sure it is from a reputable company (they should have a Certificate Of Analysis) and how is the product produced. In most cases I prefer a full spectrum product made with CO2 extraction, and always buy organic!! 14. Pheromones are chemicals produced from glands (around the face, feet, and breasts) that send "messages" to other animals of that species. When leaving their pheromone message, cats may be marking their territory, "mark" the area is "safe", attract a mate, create bonding, self-soothing, signal happiness and contentment or send stress and fear signals. The pheromones are received through the vomeronasal organ, located in the roof of the mouth. When kitty rubs his head on you or the couch, he is leaving pheromone zz messages to himself and others. 15. Earthing is the simple process of reconnecting the body with the natural energy of the earth. The earth emits an electrical charge that, when transferred through the skin, helps balance the autonomic nervous system (our "stress center"). Simply be in direct contact with a naturally conductive surface — soil, water, sand, or stone — for at least 20–30 minutes a day. 16. Solaragem. This technology uses whole spectrum light and gemstones to transmit "frequencies" that restore the body's natural terrain. Contact me for details 17. Photodynamic and sound frequency therapy. Special frequency tones are played while the patient receives brain stimulation from LED lights. This reprograms the mind and allows the patient to relax. 18. Music that overlays specific sound frequencies that resonate with the body to create profound relaxation. For more information contact 19. For multi cat households where inappropriate elimination is occurring, have 1 more litter box than the number of cats in the house. Place them in safe strategic low traffic areas that does not create a restricted entry or exit. Scoop the boxes at least once a day! 20. Use games to teach wanted behavior. Reinforce good behavior with healthy freeze-dried treats, love and attention, helping the pet to feel confident and secure. 21. Homeopathic flower essences, herbs, and essential oils (Be sure they are safe for pets and the pet can get away from the smells if they choose) all have a place in lowering stress and anxiety if used properly. Work with an experienced holistic veterinarian to select the proper therapy for your pet's anxiety. 22. TLC. Nothing helps more than tender loving care! Quality touch and time together is priceless! 23. If you still need more help, seek help from a veterinary behavioralist. Interview them before hiring and confirm they have a more holistic approach that aligns with your beliefs. Not only are our fur kids being directly affected by increasing toxins, but they also entrain to the emotional state of their human parent. Pets help their stressed-out human that is living the SAD (Standard American Day) while eating the SAD (Standard American Diet). Fur babies give unconditional love, and even if it is only for a few minutes, they help their human be present and grateful for the unconditional love only a soul pet can provide.

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