
Volume 7 Issue 4

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Page 30 | Abby's Magazine - Chiropractic Care and Opioids Dr. Dan Durrieu Family Health Chiropractic 5015 W. Waters Ave. Tampa, Fl. 33634 PH. 813-882-8181 "The power that made the body, heals the body" (B.J. Palmer). Your body can be thought of as being a factory, for example, or even a machine. Let's take a car for example that is a so-called type of machine. It's a vehicle that takes you from place to place with many different features yet one purpose, a way of transporta on. Your body has many features, we can walk, we can talk, we can jump, we can fight infec ons, we can breathe. Yet, your body has one purpose, and that is to stay alive and healthy. Now, let's go back to the car example, the key to your car has just fallen on the cement floor and completely broken. You are unable to use the key because it has sha ered in three pieces, yet your idea of a "quick fix" is to tape the pieces together. Granted, without the car key your car does not turn on and cannot follow its purpose of taking you from place to place. But this piece of tape seems to hold the car key together, enough to turn the car on. This piece of tape symbolizes an opioid. The func on of an opioid is to help relieve the pain on your nervous system. They suppress the different nega ve symptoms one feels within the body. Headaches, diarrhea, suppressing coughs, etc. Human beings have accustomed themselves to react in a fast manner in order to con nue with their life, having no pa ence with their bodies. Instead of trea ng the problem, most of us tend to treat the symptom. This brings us yet again to the car example, if you instead found a way to replace the car key and get a new one, this would be more durable than a piece of tape. Chiroprac c is your answer to your broken car key so to say. It is your solu on to how you can heal your body and cure your pain instead of suppressing it. Chiroprac c adjustments can minimize all subluxa ons (misalignment of the bone) along your spinal cord. Besides finding a healthier way to heal your body, there are no side effects except to have pa ence. An opioid has so many different side effects especially if you are constantly taking them. Your body can eventually become fully addicted to them, meaning you are depending on a substance to remove your pain. "…pa ents who have visited a chiropractor for musculoskeletal pain and associated condi ons are currently 49 percent less likely to be issued and to receive an opioid prescrip on," explains Dr. Zack based on research from the Yale School of Medicine. It is being introduced more and more to find non-pharmacological answers for treatments in any department of bodily pains especially along the nervous system. Chiroprac c care is the answer to all your pain, is the answer to a be er lifestyle, and is the answer to a healthy version of you. According to the Na onal Ins tute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 21-29 percent of pa ents prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them. Between 8-12 percent develop an opioid use disorder. This is a huge issue that can completely be avoided with an ini al source being chiroprac c when coming out of a severe pain. This ar cle was wri en by Dr. Dan Durrieu and Alexandra Durrieu, a student from Purdue University.

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