
Volume 5 Issue 3

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the spinal curvatures. This set the stage for additional soft tissue protocols that would continue to correct the structural imbalances affecting their hips. Jim, the 63-year old heavy equipment operator, had right hip pain radiating along the sciatic nerve pathway. The right hip was rotated posteriorly and the gluteus maximus, post fiber of gluteus medius, and piriformis were shortened and contracted compressing on the sciatic nerve after a lifetime of being in the core distortion. Releasing the core distortion cranially shifted the ilium back toward balance leaving the tightened shortened muscles ready to be treated. The myofascial holding pattern that had held the old pattern of the ilium in posterior rotation needed to be released which was restricting the motion of the head of the femur in the acetabulum. In addition, the muscles needed to be lengthened and the adhesions between the muscles released taking the pressure off the sciatic nerve. In the first session, the left hip was treated before the right hip. This was due to the fact that both hips needed to be brought into balance for stability and the most difficult hip to bring into weight bearing support is the left hip, the one that is rotated anteriorly. When the right posterior hip was treated, special attention was given to releasing the fibers mentioned above. Jim showed up for his second session with about a 50% pain reduction and was much encouraged. A Cranial/Structural evaluation revealed a cranial pattern that still showed restriction on the right side, which was released. Again, a pelvic balancing soft tissue protocol that brought the left anterior hip and the right posterior hip into balance was applied and Jim left in less pain. This sequence of Cranial/ Structural evaluation and treatment followed by a pelvic balancing session treating the anterior/posterior hip rotation was applied weekly for four more weeks. By the 6th session Jim's sciatic pain was gone, and he was only having occasional pain in the hip joint. At this point treatments focused specifically on the right hip releasing deeper fibers and adhesions and freeing the range of motion in the hip joint. Jim continued to improve and after five more sessions was told to only schedule if the pain returned. Sally, the 50-year old marathon runner, had her pain in her left hip, the hip that was rotated anteriorly. In the first session, the CSCDR was applied to release the anterior/ posterior rotation of the hips into balance and support. This also evened the functional leg length discrepancy and provided support for the rest of the body. A pelvic balancing soft tissue protocol focused on bringing the left leg and ilium into weight bearing support by releasing the lateral rotation of the foot, the medial rotation and hyperextension of the knee, along with the anterior fibers of the gluteus medius, TFL, and iliacus. On the right side the pelvic balancing protocol allowed the posteriorly rotated ilium to move anteriorly into balance. Sally immediately felt better and had greater range of motion in both the left leg and hip. Sally's pain was reduced by 75% after this first treatment. Sally's weekly treatments consisted of Cranial/Structural evaluation, a release of cranial restrictions, and the pelvic balancing soft tissue protocol. After four treatments Sally was maintaining pain free for 10 days so she was scheduled for two weeks. By the seventh treatment Sally was pain free tor two weeks and started to resume light running. After five more treatments, she was able to train successfully for an upcoming marathon. She scheduled monthly until the marathon just to maintain optimal structural balance and pain free function while running. Mary, the 76-year old retiree with osteoporosis and right hip pain, was evaluated and found to be in the core distortion with the left hip rotated anteriorly and the right hip rotated posteriorly. She also had very limited range of motion in her right hip and when walking rotated the ilium Abby's Magazine - Volume 5 Issue 3| Page 53

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