
Volume 5 Issue 1

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and jamming of the atlas/axis and occiput with reduced range of mo on. The Quick Release Technique was applied which released trigger points, reduced the swelling and ischemia in the major muscles of the neck and shoulders, opened the acupuncture meridians and mobilized the occiput. Jim's headache pain was reduced by 70%. I then did the Cranial/Structural Core Distor on Releases, so ssue C1 release, and a so ssue Head, Neck and Shoulder protocol to further release the swelling, ischemia, inflamma on, myofascial holding pa erns, adhesions and scar ssue resul ng from his injuries. Jim le feeling much be er with increased range of mo on and no headache. At Jim's second session he was having some headaches with less frequency, dura on and intensity, and his ver go was less. He s ll could not focus clearly and short-term memory was s ll impaired. Structural evalua on showed significant improvement, less head lt, and the reverse curvature was reduced. Compression tes ng of his cranium using kinesiology revealed swelling inside the cranium and an imbalance between the two temporal bones. A specialized Frontal/Occipital decompression was able to pump the excess cerebral spinal fluid out of the cranium, and the temporal bones were mobilized and synchronized. A er the treatment, the fuzziness was less and no ver go. At his third treatment, the ver go had not returned and he was able to remember what he was studying and reading. He was very excited. He con nued with five more Frontal/Occipital decompressions, resumed classroom ac vi es and had no pain in the neck and shoulders. Case Study #2: Charles, a soccer player, could not return to soccer or normal classroom ac vity for five months a er suffering two concussions in one season. He could not read and suffered with serious headaches daily as well as significant pain in his neck and shoulders. Medical specialists Page 50 | Abby's Magazine -

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