
Volume 5 Issue 1

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Page 66 | Abby's Magazine - Exercise is one of the "golden ckets" to preven ng disease and slowing the aging process. One reason for this is because exercise is one of the most effec ve ways to regain insulin and lep n sensi vity and reverse insulin and lep n-resistance, which is a key to staying healthy as you get older. But another reason why exercise is some mes regarded as a real-life fountain of youth is because, when done intensely, it boosts your body's natural produc on of human growth hormone (HGH), a synergis c, founda onal biochemical that addresses the serious muscle loss and atrophy that typically occurs with aging. Intermi ent fas ng has many of the same benefits, including drama cally boos ng HGH and op mizing insulin- and lep n sensi vity, which I'll discuss more toward the end of this ar cle. Recent research also shows that inges ng carbohydrates (sucrose) with added whey protein isolate during short-term recovery from 90 minutes of treadmill running increases the growth hormone response to a second exhaus ve exercise bout of similar dura on. However, I've previously discussed the issue of implemen ng an exercise and diet plan based on your desired goal, either: • Athle c performance, or • Health, longevity and reproduc ve success If you are seeking to op mize compe ve athle cs, then carb-loading can be useful. However, it is not a wise strategy if you're seeking long- term op mal health, as that requires a different approach. Avoiding carbs then becomes paramount, along with making sure you're using only high quality protein sources. (Clearly, compe ve athletes could also improve if they used high quality organic, grass-fed whey rather than the far inferior whey protein isolate.) Interes ngly, in the wake of Lance Armstrong being stripped of his seven tles and banned from cycling for life a er being found guilty of doping, one study known as the "Goldman Dilemma", showed that more than half of Olympic-level athletes would gladly use a drug that would kill them within five years as long as it guaranteed them a gold medal. To most people, however, this would be an unacceptable exchange. The featured approach clearly will not kill you in five years, and I suspect most of the adverse longevity consequences are reversible, but in my opinion carb-loading is not ideal for long-term health. Why Carb-Loading is Not Recommended if You Exercise for Longevity The idea behind carb-loading is to saturate yourself with carbs so your muscles will have plenty of glycogen to go on while you exercise. This works fine for really fit athletes that have an intense workout regimen. They also have the muscle mass that could accommodate large glucose surges as muscles can rapidly u lize glucose. Addi onally, most athletes have op mized insulin and lep n signaling and are exercising which also allows them to be er use the carbs. STUDY: Both Exercise and Whey Augment Human Growth Hormone Production, Which Can Keep Your Body Young By Dr. Mercola

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