
Volume 7 Issue 4

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Page 8 of 31 - Issue 40 | Page 9 - Issue 38 | Page 9 CBD oil may also affect the hippocampus, which plays a large role in regula ng your emo ons. When you have depression, your hippocampus doesn't func on as well. CBD oil may help promote neurogenesis or the forma on of new neurons in the hippocampus. 6. How to use CBD You take CBD oil by either pu ng a few drops under your tongue with a dropper or mixing it with food. CBD gummies are also becoming popular. 7. Disadvantages of CBD Oil While CBD oil for anxiety and depression holds promise, there are significant disadvantages to its use. First, it isn't widely available. You can only buy CBD oil in states where medical marijuana is legal. Second, no CBD oil products are approved by the FDA for the treatment of anxiety or depressive disorders. Only one CBD oil product is FDA-approved, and that is for the treatment of epilepsy. Without the oversight and regula on of the FDA, CBD oils vary widely in quality. According to Marcel Bonn-Miller, adjunct assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, same of CBD oil products that contain too li le CBD, while about the same contain too much. Due to its lack of regula on, approximately one in five CBD products contain THC, meaning they could give you a high. THC can increase anxiety instead of reducing it. The addi onal risk in taking CBD oil is that even if the product contains trace amounts of THC, you could s ll test posi ve for marijuana on a drug test. Quality CBD oil is considered safe, but it may come with some possible side effects. Side effects may include: • Dizziness • Fa gue • Dry mouth • Sleeping problems • Gastrointes nal discomfort There is also the poten al for dangerous drug interac ons when taking CBD oil with another medica on. If you are taking an an depressant or any other medica ons, be sure to consult with your doctor before taking CBD oil. It's always a good idea to be open-minded to new treatments, especially when there is clinical evidence to back them up. The most important things to do are conduct thorough research and discuss any op ons you're considering with your doctor. Everyone's talking about it COME IN TO SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF CBD PRODUCTS AND SIGN UP FOR ONE OF OUR SEMINARS ON CBD IN OUR NEWLY RENOVATED SEMINAR ROOM!

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