
Volume 7 Issue 4

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Page 8 | Abby's Magazine - Page 8 | Abby's Magazine - So, you want to know more about CBD for anxiety & depression? Everyone's talking about it, so we're here to help you weigh up the pros and cons, without bias. 1. Depression & Anxiety With symptoms like excessive worry, extreme self-consciousness, chest pain, and panic a acks, anxiety can be a debilita ng condi on. Depression can be equally destruc ve—feeling sad, with li le interest in the ac vi es you once enjoyed. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of op ons for trea ng anxiety and depression. Selec ve serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are popular, but they come with a host of side effects. Others have the risk of addic on. Many people search for a safer, more natural way to treat anxiety and depression, so new op ons are being developed and researched all the me. One emerging treatment is CBD oil. It's becoming more popular with each passing day, but there are s ll major ques ons about how effec ve it is at trea ng anxiety and depression—and how exactly it helps. As a fairly new and li le-understood product, it's important to learn as much as you can about CBD oil for anxiety and depression—and speak to your mental health provider—before you decide to try it. 2. What Is CBD Oil? Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a type of cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are chemicals that occur naturally in the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol is extracted from the plant and made into an oil. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is another type of cannabinoid. It's the chemical responsible for the "high" one feels a er using marijuana. Because CBD is not THC, you cannot get high from using CBD oil. CBD oil is suggested to have posi ve effects for people with: • epilepsy • sleeplessness • cancer • other mental health disorders, in addi on to depression and anxiety 3. How Does CBD Oil Work? CBD oil for depression and anxiety is s ll being studied and doesn't have as much research to back it up as many other treatments do. Make sure you talk to your doctor about whether it's a good fit for you and how to incorporate it into your treatment plan. 4. CBD for anxiety It isn't known exactly how CBD oil combats anxiety, but it's thought to work with a receptor in your brain called CB1. Researchers believe the interac ons between CBD oil and CB1 alter serotonin signals. The core problem at the heart of anxiety disorders is low serotonin—a neurotransmi er related to mood and well-being. SSRIs, for instance, work by blocking the absorp on of serotonin in your brain, meaning you get more serotonin. CBD oil may do something similar. Studies have shown that CBD oil can be effec ve in trea ng various types of anxiety, including: • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) • Social anxiety disorder • Post-trauma c stress disorder (PTSD) Behavioral symptoms of anxiety and physiological symptoms of anxiety, like rapid heartbeat, were reduced in some studies. It's also been shown to be effec ve against anxiety-related insomnia. 5. CBD for Depression CBD oil works similarly for people suffering from depression because depression happens when serotonin levels are low. Increasing the amount of serotonin in your brain has a posi ve effect on your emo ons and motor skills. CBD Oil for Anxiety & Depression: The Pros & Cons

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