Health & Wellness

Boomer Edition | 11th Annual - 2015

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Page 73 of 83

72 by Lisa Marshall You'd better sit d o w n f o r t h i s. ( Or nOt ) You rise at dawn for a morning jog before heading to the office, slip out at noon for the occasional lunchtime walk or ride with a friend, and make a point of hitting the trails or slopes on the weekends. But even if you're living the quintessentially fit Colorado lifestyle, you've likely picked up a nasty habit that's putting your health at risk: You're sitting too much. "Sitting is the new smoking," says Dr. Noel So, medical director at Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital in Denver. "A lot of people assume they don't need to worry about this because they exercise. But the reality is, even if you work out an hour a day, you're still at risk of a host of cardio-metabolic diseases if you sit all day." experts Warn of Heavy Health Toll from "sitting-disease" epidemic

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