Health & Wellness

Boomer Edition | 11th Annual - 2015

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26 WHaT is THe ProsTaTe? The prostate is a gland in the male pelvis, below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Its primary purpose is related to reproduction, since it makes about 50 percent of the fluid in ejaculation. It also affects urination and muscle fibers related to bladder control, Ruyle says. WHY does Being ProacTiVe MaTTer? As men age, they have an increased likelihood they will experience some sort of prostate health problems. The most common include: prostatitis – It is an infection of the prostate gland that occurs in men of all ages and generally is linked to a urinary tract infection. It can manifest with or without symptoms, such as pelvic and genital pain, pain with urination, and prostate gland inflammation. If left untreated, it can become septic. Antibiotics are generally a successful treatment, says urologist Dr. Nancy Huff with Advanced Urology. Although prostate cancer ranks No. 2 as a cancer killer in American men, it's also highly treatable when detected early. But for that to happen, men need to see their doctors and pay attention to their health. Since some men tend to need a gentle nudge in this area, often from a woman in their life, we asked the experts what women should know about the sometimes troublesome gland. "Women should check with their husbands, fathers, and brothers to see what they are doing," says Dr. Stephen Ruyle, urologist with The Urology Center of Colorado. "Don't assume they are taking care of their prostate health." knowing signs of Trouble with Male gland can Help Women encourage Prevention | by Andrea Juarez

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