
Volume 5 Issue 2

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The need for everyone to eat organic produce is at an all- me high due to our fruits and vegetables being so highly sprayed with cancer-causing pes cides. Many foods are gene cally modified and it is becoming increasingly clear that GMOs are not safe for us to consume. In addi on, soil deple on is occurring, which yields crops that are lower in nutrients than what was being produced just a few decades ago. Organically grown animal foods are also a much be er choice because conven onally raised animals are being pumped full of hormones and an bio cs that are increasing the incidence of breast cancer. These factory farmed animals also eat a diet that is unnaturally high in foods (corn and soy) that promote inflamma on (high in omega-6 fats) when we consume them. Choosing organic produce and animal foods (preferably pasture-raised because these animals are, for the most part, ea ng what nature intended them to eat and will be much lower in omega-6 fats) not only decreases your cancer risk, it is also much be er for the planet. 2 . Av o i d To x i c C o s m e t i c s a n d P e r s o n a l C a r e P r o d u c t s Toxic chemicals are now present in just about everything we use in our homes and on our bodies, from dish washing liquid to eye shadow. These chemicals (and there are about 70,000 of them) are known hormone disrupters. In addi on to being toxic and carcinogenic, these substances can increase the estrogen load in the body over me and are difficult to detoxify through the liver. Called "xenoestrogens" (foreign estrogens), they mimic our body's own estrogen and can alter hormone ac vity. Growing evidence implicates xenoestrogens in a wide range of human health problems, including breast cancer. The easy solu on is to use non-toxic or organic personal care products and cosme cs. It is important to know that the word "natural" on the label means almost nothing because the product can s ll contain toxic chemicals. It is best to look for organic cer fica on on the label and to know what ingredients to watch out for. What goes on your skin gets in your bloodstream so it's important to be proac ve about this and to minimize toxic chemicals. What's in your bloodstream can easily circulate throughout your body and into cells that create your hormones and organs. Scru nize every single thing you put on your body. From nail polish (don't use it) to hair spray to mascara. A good source of informa on to determine the rela ve safety (or dangers) of ingredients in personal care products and cosme cs is the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep database. 3 . M o v e Yo u r B o d y The American Cancer Society es mates that half of all cancer deaths could be avoided by prac cing healthy lifestyle habits such as simple exercise. Recent research tells us that obesity, especially in the middle-adult years, increases the risk of breast cancer. It is important to teach your daughter an ac ve lifestyle and it is best to lead by example. Take her hiking, ska ng, for long walks in parks, have her par cipate in sports, ballet, dancing. Whatever gets her moving and enjoying physical ac vity! Also, tell her why it is so important. 4 . Ke e p Yo u r C e l l P h o n e Aw ay f r o m Yo u r B o d y a n d O u t o f Yo u r B r a Studies have determined that heavy use of cell phones increases the chance for brain tumors. Children are more vulnerable to electromagne c frequencies because they have thinner skull bones and smaller heads. Their brain ssue also has a higher conduc vity and this puts them at a higher risk. Although there does not at present appear to be any studies which link breast cancer risk with cell phone use, too many women use their bras to hold their cell phones. Women who tuck their cell phones into their bras later develop breast cancer. Page 34| Abby's Magazine -

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