Health & Wellness

Boomer Edition | 11th Annual - 2015

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40 Boulder Jigsaw-Puzzle company Makes Big Fans of Baby Boomers A of History Call it a comeback, a yearning for the simpler days, or a rebellion: Americans weary of staring at glowing computerized screens are trading in their smartphones and iPads for more time-tested forms of enrichment — such as good, old-fashioned jigsaw puzzles. While too much tech time can lead to lack of focus, isolation, and stress, family activities like game nights and puzzles can benefit executive functions, fine motor skills, and patience, a dichotomy that helped inspire Chris Wirth's Boulder-based Liberty Puzzles. Now, after almost a decade of success, the company opened its first brick-and-mortar store on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder. by Sarah Protzman Howlett Piece Examples of Liberty's character-shaped Whimsy pieces found in each puzzle.

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