Health & Wellness

Boomer Edition | 11th Annual - 2015

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Choosing Kid-Focused Hospitals Can Boost Children's ER Experience by Debra Melani PEDI ATrIC Pros If you're among the nearly 7 million grandparents today with grandchildren living in their homes, or if you are just your own kids' favorite go-to babysitter, you could find yourself in need of emergency care for a tot one day. Where would you go if junior suddenly spiked a fever or took a tumble down the stairs on your watch? Your choice, the experts say, could make a difference. Most of HealthONE's main metro-area ER's are staffed with a pediatric physician and equipped to take care of children. Having a pediatric focus, the expert knowledge, and the right equipment can affect children's already- trying emergency experience in many ways, from feeling less afraid to having the best treatment for their injury or illness. "It really makes a difference from the moment they walk in the door," says Jana Fluta, pediatric emergency service line manager at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children at Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center. Pediatric staff members know children and begin assessing them right away, Fluta says. They also approach kids at their level, sitting next to them or kneeling down, not rushing toward them or towering over them, she says. "It's really about building trust and not being intimidating." Dr. Christine Darr, left, holds a pediatric Ambu bag while nurse Jana Fluta displays the adult version of the life-saving piece of equipment for comparison. 44 • Medical Profile

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