
Volume 2 Issue 5

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cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts #2 Detox your body – cellular detox programs can help rid your body of harmful toxins that can disrupt RNA/DNA replica on and cause cancer #3 Detox your home – the EPA es mates our indoor environment is 7-10x more toxic than our outdoor environment. Replace harmful chemical based cleaners and personal care products with safe alterna ves. I have found incredible products that work just as well and won't harm me or my family. #4 Drink more clean water – coffee, soda, diet soda, sports drinks and energy drinks DO NOT rehydrate your body. Your cells are made out of water and in order to create alkalinity in your body you must eliminate these from your diet and drink water. The addic on these products can create is impressive, so you may experience withdrawal symptoms. Cellular detox can help decrease these symptoms by reducing inflamma on. #5 Decrease stress levels - one of the most overlooked factors in cancer and chronic disease in general is mindset. A nega ve, pessimis c a tude has been proven to worsen cancer outcomes and a posi ve, op mis c a tude has been proven to improve them. Laughter is the best medicine. Smile! #6 Move more – You don't have to be a gym rat to get in a great workout. Moderate movement throughout the day and high intensity, low dura on exercise has shown to be the most effec ve type of exercise to lose body fat and increase cardiac output. #7 Put your family first - Work, financial, and rela onship stress can all affect our family dynamics. Create family tradi ons that ins ll a posi ve a tude, healthy nutri on choices, physical ac vity and healthy responses to stress. Most importantly, be a role model, your children are watching your every move! #8 Lympha c massage – Toxins stores in our fat cells and lympha c system can create "toxic sludge" that feeds cancer cells. Massage is relaxing and reducing stress hormones. #9 Infrared Sauna – Detox your body and relax the mind. With the rise in skin temperature to around 104ºF, the body rises to around 100.4ºF internally. This increase causes the body to sweat and raises the heart rate to around 30% above normal res ng rate. As the human body's pulse rises, circula on quickens throughout the body sending oxygen-rich blood to nourish aching muscles and red minds. These heightened levels of perspira on help to flush toxins from the body while simultaneously cleansing the skin's pores. #10 Drink organic cold pressed juice – Cancer juicing, or juice therapy, has proven to be very effec ve due to cancer killing nutrients contained in certain fruits and vegetables. Below are lists of foods that are known to fight and prevent cancer. These items must be consumed raw in order to get the full benefits, which is why juicing is such a powerful healing treatment. Cruciferous Vegetables contain very powerful an -cancer proper es. Some cruciferous vegetables are: - Collard Greens - Kale - Cabbage - Cauliflower - Broccoli - Turnip Beta Carotene is another powerful cancer figh ng ingredient found in foods. These foods include: - Carrots - Peppers (chili, green, red, yellow) - Leafy Greens (mustard, romaine, collards, kale, turnip greens, spinach, dandelion) Proanthocyanidins (or PAC's) are powerful cancer fighters as well. Foods that contain PAC's include: - Beets (including beet tops) - Blueberry - Plums - Purple Grapes (with seeds and skin) Other fruits that contain powerful cancer figh ng ingredients include: - Pineapple - Tomato - Dark Berries (strawberry, blueberry, red raspberry, black raspberry) Dr. DelRae Messer has helped thousands of clients worldwide, including many with cancer, heal themselves naturally with her cellular detox and nutri on program. Visit and for more informa on. Dr. DelRae is located within Blast Fitness and Wellness center. 6902 W Linebaugh Ave Tampa Fl 33625. To schedule an appointment, please call 813-475-6472 6902 West Linebaugh Ave Tampa Fl 33626 w: e: p: 813-475-6472 Abby's Magazine - September / October 2014 |Page 7

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