
Volume 2 Issue 5

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10 Tips for Fighting Cancer The topic of cancer is personal to me, as I am sure it is to you as well. We all know someone who has been affected, if not ourselves. I am so grateful for being taught a paradigm that allows me to educate for preven on before figh ng for a cure. We are surrounded by races, pink ribbons, and charity events to raise more and more money to cure this "disease" that so many of us believe is outside or separate from us. It's me to be proac ve and choose to live a lifestyle that we know can prevent cancer. • If we know the cause, why don't we know the cure? Most of us are led to believe that we have a doomed fate if cancer runs in our family or we are gene cally pre-disposed to it. Do we have faulty genes or have our genes changed so much in recent years that can account for the con nued rise in cancer not only in adults, but also children? More research is revealed every year that proves we are not a slave to our genes, but the captain of our ship. In fact, our genes have changed less than .2% in the past 10,000 years. What has changed is our environment. The way we eat, move, and think has caused the expression of our genes to change. • Epigene cs is the study of how our genes are expressed, ie "turned on" or "turned off". Like a lightswitch, our lifestyle choices turn on the genes for risk factors that cause chronic disease (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc). However, we have the power to choose how to fuel our body with proper nutri on, exercise, reduce our exposure to environmental toxins, and reduce the amount of stress in our lives. I am always impressed by the resilience of the human body. Research has shown we are designed to live a healthy 120 years. It's hard to imagine, when most of us feel as sick and red as we do at 40 years old! The Blue Zones are four areas of the world with the most amount of centenarians (people that live to the age 100). They have the lowest amount of cancer and heart disease and live a very high quality of life. What is so different in these areas of the world? And why aren't we paying a en on to what they are doing… or not doing?! There were five factors that researchers found pivotal to living a healthier, happier, and longer life. #1 Family – put ahead of other concerns #2 Less toxicity – specifically less smoking #3 Nutri on - they ate a diet that consisted mainly of plants #4 Exercise – and not the gym kind of exercise. CONSTANT MODERATE physical ac vity #5 Social engagement – people of ALL AGES are socially ac ve and integrated into their communi es Looking at the above factors, we can clearly see how Americans are degenera ng and living poorer quality lives than ever before. And, sadly, we have le a legacy of children in even worse health. What I've found, a er speaking across the country and working with thousands of clients, is that most of us know WHAT to do. We know we spend too much me at work and less me with our family. We know our high stress levels put our bodies into a constant state of fight or flight. We know the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) full of sugar, trans fats, ar ficial, processed foods, is causing premature aging and preventable lifestyle diseases. We know chemical products and industrial chemicals are making their way into our homes, personal products, and eventually our bodies. We know we don't move enough. And, most importantly, we see too many people not able to care for themselves or contribute socially to communi es as they age. I used to believe that educa on was the cure for change. I now know that all the educa on in the world may not be enough to make people take ACTION. What does it take? A cancer diagnosis? Why wait? Make the change now. An amazing fact is that we all have cancer cells in our body. Our immune system, if healthy, is able to easily clear these cancerous cells. It is only when our immune system is compromised that cancer cells are able to mul ply and grow. Top 10 Tips to Detox & Alkalize Your Body #1 Start ea ng more whole foods - increase vegetable intake, especially the green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and By Dr. DelRae Messer, D.C. Page 6 | Abby's Magazine -

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