
Volume 5 Issue 6

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it is throwing off the func oning of my body. I have addressed this situa on, a pain on the le side of my jaw to three different den sts in 7 years and then finding out from Dr. Behm it is completely the lack of a en on to detail from the den st that put in the filling and didn't make sure my bite was fine and he overfilled the tooth. And just to think that an overfilled tooth cold make that much of a difference was amazing to me. I thought for many years I was being cared for as a dental pa ent. It is a lot of in, out, cleaning and finding out the next service needed. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. This was a good learning experience, to realize my body was not in the exact shape I thought it was. My mouth has been aligned. And, I feel good. Actually, I feel really good!" 8. *I Drove 1000 Miles To Be Here* "I had root canals and about 30 years ago they recapped my teeth and they recapped it with mercury back in those days. And I was playing golf and had to quit. I made a swing and went down with my back and you know when I have all this taken care of, I've been playing golf again. All that pain went away and I believe in this den stry. I had no opera ons on my back. It seemed like it healed itself! You should not have root canals, they leak and you should get that toxic metal out of your mouth. They say it breaks you immune system down and you take care of your mouth and that helps the immune system, because root canals leak and mercury is very poisonous but cheap to put in teeth, and is why it is in so many people. I feel pre y good and I talk to people my age, they have so many pains and aches and stuff. It is hard for me to figure out and you tell people what might help you out and they don't believe you! Natural dentistry involves the awareness of dental care as it relates to the entire person. Ge ing back to the dentist has never been easier... Call your Natural Dentist today! Page 38 | Abby's Magazine - Copyright © 2017 Ray Behm Jr. All Rights Reserved.

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