
Volume 5 Issue 6

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A wide variety of be er-health- outcomes result when Natural Den stry Protocols are followed. Here are some examples: 1. *Ears Ringing* We had a person fly in from Santander, Spain suffering from hearing loss in one ear. This had been going on for six months. He had a constant whistle in his ear and a er finding us on the internet, thought that his condi on might be related to something going on in his mouth. Looking at the teeth on the le , the uppers and lowers, he had an acceptable bite with moderate calculus but nothing obvious. From the digital x-rays we could see dead ssue at the apex of an old root canal tooth. A quan ty of necro c ssue was removed a er the root canal was extracted and the pa ent was worried immediately a er surgery as nothing changed. He was a long way from home! Did it help? The next morning he heard a pop and he regained full hearing. 2. *Gut Issues* "I wanted to undo the previous work that had been done, two root canals and to remove the mercury out of my teeth. It was crea ng some of the root causes to other health issues - gut issues, Crohn's Disease, skin issues. The den st can have the most effect on your whole health just because of where they are working. I wanted to have a posi ve effect on the whole system. I also wanted implants. I don't want metal back in the mouth. It was a wonderful experience. My health has improved tremendously. We are working to get toxins out of the system and it is working well. I feel be er and be er each day, really my health has gone through the roof." 3. *Old Tooth Extraction Site* "I had an infec on in the upper-le jaw where I had several extrac ons done. I've had burning sensa ons in the face, muscle tension in a band up the side of the head and down into the muscles in the base of my skull. I would get migraine headaches and when I woke up in the morning felt like my eye was bulging out. When you are constantly in pain it takes away part of your focus, nagging you. My body was always figh ng off something which was keeping my liver stressed out, my cervical lympha c system was always inflamed and when I got sick it would hit me extra especially hard, then a erward I would get a migraine and would be down for three days. He found three holes and drilled out the necro c bone. When I woke up the next morning I didn't feel like the le eye was bulging and I have not had a headache or any of those same symptoms since he did the surgery. I feel healthier with the elimina on of the bacteria in there. I can actually exercise. Before, I didn't have the energy to get out of the bed in the morning and now in the last week I have exercised every day, and recover, which was something I could never do." N a t u r a l D e n t i s t

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