Black Sheep

April 2024

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"What's That In Your Hand" Marty Edwards I was asked by one of our members to write something to his church board who was considering why they should financially support BSHDFC. The following is what I wrote. Maybe you will need a tool like this sometime. We come to Christ, confess our sins, surrender our lives and begin our journey with Jesus. We grow through fellowship, worship and God's Word. As time passes we understand that our new life is meant to "bear fruit" in one way or another. As we grow in Christ, we discover that we have spiritual gifts as well and like everything else we must be responsible with these gifts. These abilities include (but are not limited to) mercy, teaching, words of wisdom, compassion, evangelism and many more. Evangelism is a gift, but it is also a command! Some of the last words of Jesus on earth were, "...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." As we grow in Christ, we MUST learn to share Jesus. Some limit their evangelistic efforts to family or close friends, but missionaries uproot their lives and often move to far away countries but not necessarily. There are in fact, "groups" of people right here in America that have isolated themselves from the church and from others because of their various interests. Small pockets of people might be better known as "Golfers" or "Surfers" - "Single moms" or even "Weight Watchers." People find it comforting to come together with others of similar interests or needs. In 1999, Harley-Owners Group had nearly a half million people in over one hundred countries - not including the millions of other riders not associated with HOG. With a Master's degree in Cross Cultural Studies, I recognized the opportunity to LIVE Jesus while spending time with these hairy, leather-clad bikers who are typically ignored or even feared by Christians. Twenty-five years later, Black Sheep: Harley-Davidsons for Christ has used their love for Jesus and their love for riding motorcycles as an opportunity to obey the Great Commission. (Currently in 4 countries and 40+ US states.) Some may be comfortable going door-to-door with the Gospel, but in an ever-increasingly suspicious and private America, BSHDFC finds it "natural" to attend motorcycle events where we have shined boots (i.e. "foot washing"), handed out col d water on hot days and struck up conversations with bikers who almost always ask, "What is Black Sheep?" and "Why do you want to shine my boots...for free?" We simply answer, "Well, Jesus was the black sheep of his family and He washed His disciples feet." We are bikers, and we love to ride, but we are also disciples of Christ, "missionaries" according to Jesus. We visit the sick and injured, raise money for hospitalized riders and other worthy causes, support "Toy- Runs" and perform "blessing of the bikes" ceremonies where we have a natural opportunity to pray for bikers and their families. That's who we are! That's what we do! God asked Moses, "What's that in your hand?" Moses answered, "a staff. " And with that stick Moses led tens of thousands of slaves to freedom. We have motorcycles. We share Jesus with bikers. Every Christian needs ask the question, "What's that in MY hand?" a God Can Use Anyone at Anytime Henry Winkler was concerned whether or not he was doing his best for God. "We're not sure if we're doing what we should with the gifts He gave us." Then one day at an event, he heard a little 5-year-old girl shyly call out, "Fonzie!" and he noticed that the girl's mom looked stunned and was crying. He would later learn that the young girl had autism and that she had just uttered her first word–what would become the first word of many. "That little girl showed me that we simply have to do whatever comes our way to the best of our abilities. And trust that God will find His way to touch someone else with them. And what is that trust called? It's called faith." a

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