
Volume 9, Issue 4

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Page 22 of 31 | # 48| Page 23 goes on to point out that he is not alone in his love of beans and legumes, ci ng The American Diabetes Associa on, the American Heart Associa on and the American Cancer Society as fellow supporters of their varied health benefits. In addi on to helping fight inflamma on beans and legumes also contribute to improved heart health and "due to their blend of fiber, protein and nutrients legumes aid in blood sugar regula on more than almost any other food group." Fiber Fiber's diges ve health benefits are widely known, but as the Arthri s Founda on points out fiber is also helpful in lowering "C-reac ve protein (CRP) a substance in the blood that indicates inflamma on." Speaking with News Medical, Lauren Whi , Ph.D., recommended folks "focus on ea ng whole foods and foods that are high in fiber" in order to ba le inflamma on. Science Daily drove home this fact when it reported on a study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which found that soluble fiber (e.g. fiber found in oats, apples, and nuts) "reduces the inflamma on associated with obesity-related diseases and strengthens the immune system." As Gregory Freund, a professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, went on to explain, "This happens because soluble fiber causes increased produc on of an an -inflammatory protein called interleukin-4." Garlic In 2009 researchers from the Chungbuk Na onal University in Cheongju, Korea "isolated thiacremonone, a novel sulfur compound from garlic," they discovered that "thiacremonone exerted its an -inflammatory and an -arthri c proper es... and thus could be a useful agent for the treatment of inflammatory and arthri c diseases." Meanwhile, another study this one carried out in 2012 at the College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea, took a closer look at the "an -inflammatory ac vity of sulfur-containing compounds from garlic" and found that garlic is home to "four an - inflammatory sulfur-containing compounds." The conclusion? This small, smelly onion is a superfood with serious "an - inflammatory therapeu c poten al." Green leafy vegetables From spinach to kale, and beyond green leafy veggies should be a staple of any diet, but are especially important for anyone suffering from pain caused by inflamma on. As Dr. Josh Axe a clinical nutri onist and doctor of natural medicine explains, these vegetables are high in an -inflammatory flavonoids as well as plenty of an oxidants and vitamins. One Green Planet also recommends turning to green leafy vegetables to combat inflamma on sugges ng broccoli, Swiss chard, collards, mustard, arugula and turnip greens, all of which work great as sides or a nutri on-packed salad. Omega-3s According to a 2010 study tled Natural An -Inflammatory Agents for Pain Relief, which was carried out by the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Pi sburgh Medical Center, "omega-3 polyunsaturated fa y acids are some of the most effec ve natural an -inflammatory agents available." Comparing the effects of fish oil to other an -inflammatory foods and supplements the researchers concluded that the power of omega-3 in trea ng arthri s and inflamma on couldn't be disputed. As reported by Dr. Robert Neposlan owner of the Family Chiroprac c Wellness Centre in St. Louis, Missouri, "there are over 15,000 published ar cles on the benefits of fish oil and it's a supplement" Dr. Neposlan himself regularly recommends his pa ents take "every day for a life me" to help reduce inflamma on. Nuts and seeds In addi on to housing healthy fats certain nuts and seeds are also full of alpha linoleic acid (ALA) an omega-3 fa y acid that's known for helping reduce inflamma on, according to die an and nutri onist Marisa Moore who spoke with the Arthri s Founda on. Blood flow restric on (BFR) training involves very slightly restric ng arterial inflow and enabling modera on (or "slowing") of venous ou low at the top of the arms or legs while exercising either the arm, leg or core muscles with very low weights but high repe on to failure. BFR allows you to significantly enhance strength and increase muscle mass using as li le as 20 to 30% of your single-rep max (1 RM) weight compared to conven onal strength training that uses 70 to 85% of your 1 RM. Alterna vely, for those who cannot or do not want to use weights, you can contract your muscles and move them very slowly with the BFR bands on. Use of lighter weights makes BFR far safer than conven onal strength training and makes it available to a much broader range of individuals, including the elderly and pa ents with disabili es or injuries. Venous blood flow restric on is achieved by wrapping the extremity being exercised with an inflatable cuff or band. The band needs to be ght enough to reduce the normal level of venous return to the heart, while being loose enough to allow arterial flow-through. BFR is actually a form of high intensity training, as the Type I slow twitch muscle fibers become highly fa gued during the first set, thus necessita ng the recruitment of Type II fast twitch muscle fibers as the exercise progresses, which is likely for many of the metabolic benefits of BFR. Dr. Mercola explains The Science Behind Blood Flow Restriction Training

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