Wheels Of Grace Magazine

Volume 10, Issue 6

Issue link: https://cp.revolio.com/i/1150496

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24 | WheelsOfGrace.com | Issue 46 History of the Part 6 3-PC PATCH 3-PC PATCH The Dos and Dont's of the Christian Patch Chris an Motorcycle Ministries (M/M), Chris an Motorcycle Clubs (MC or CMC) and Chris an Riding Associa ons or Riding Clubs (RC) have been around since the 70's. "Most Chris an groups have different types of rules, codes of behavior, and focuses. Some have patches that can be bought. Most ministries will not give membership without a thorough screening of applicants. The reputable ones will put you through a type or mentorship or Discipleship program and period, where you not only learn but you also "live" the life. Chris an MC's have a prospect period. There are varying rules and regula ons. Some forbid public social drinking of alcohol and even public smoking – others allow it. You need to read their charters or hang out with them to know the differences. The Riding Clubs vary greatly (some with one piece patches, some with just t-shirts). They are designed primarily for fellowship and to hone their riding skills together with others." - Pastor Fred-Z Founder of Bikers For Christ There are currently hundreds of different Chris an groups worldwide. We are working on a Unity Of Patches Poster that will feature over 500 Chris an Patches. Some have been around many years and have earned the respect of the motorcycle public and the biker community and have paid their dues. Others come and go. New Motorcycle Ministries, Chris an Clubs and Riding Clubs pop-up all the me. Most are off springs of an exis ng group but let me say this to be clear: "If you are not going into the world to 'minister', you belong to a Riding Group regardless what your vest says. That is how Bikers see you." In 2009 I a ended the annual NCOM conven on (Na onal Coali on Of Motorcyclists) in Reno, Nevada. I rode with the local chapter of Soldiers For Jesus MC from Southern California. It was a one-day 500 mile ride. The SFJ brothers ride fast and hard so we made it in good me and even had me to stop for breakfast in the foothills of Mammoth mountain. While at NCOM that year we (Chris an Bikers) had several wake-up calls. Interna onally and Na onally high ranking members of the "Biker Club Community" requested that the Motorcycle Ministries and Chris an Clubs "shape-up". What were they trying to say? Without going into details I was confided with, they wanted Chris ans to do mean what we say - and our patch displays – and live out Who and what we represent. Interes ng how the World some mes brings us back on track. Several M/Ms were spoken to – to say it kindly – and two were obligated to… "change the way they do things". One Chris an Group had their patch pulled. The other was told to: "shape-up or shape-out!" The main ques on was: 'WHAT ARE YOU? ARE YOU A MOTORCYCLE MINISTRY? THEN MINISTER! BUT, IF YOU JUST GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY AND TAKE A RIDE IN THE MOUNTAINS TO GO EAT, THEN YOU'RE A RIDING GROUP; NOT A MINISTRY!' and I, could not agree more with… the Non- Believer's statement at that me. I know you may disagree and that's OK. We can talk. Call me (951) 777-0503. Leaving that mee ng I began to receive calls. Calls from Founders and Leaders of some of the best-known and well-respected M/M asking me about the shakedown. My answer was simple: "If you're doing what you're supposed to, you will be fine". Some where doing the right thing, and others were not, and some are not around anymore. Others changed things and some implemented new ways of opera ng. Joining an exis ng Motorcycle Ministry is NOT a small task. Joining a Motorcycle Club is an even larger responsibility. Riding comes with it but if that is you primary goal, I suggest you join Pastor Joe that just bought a Harley and wants to go for a ride a er Church on Sunday. If you are ready to serve and to witness while you are riding but are not qualified for the Patch world, you will not be accepted; thus you are be er off talking to someone that knows about the Patch world, and preferably knows first hand. A Club or Ex-Club member would be even be er! A er being around Motorcycle Ministries, Chris an Motorcycle Clubs and Chris an Riding Groups for 20 years we listed below five important things you should remember and consider before making a decision: 1. If you decide to wear a patch, educate your self about the Biker World and it's Patch protocol, by reading ar cles like the Series of the 3PC patch we have been publishing for the second me since 2002. Once you put a patch on, you're in that world like it or not. You can be stereotyped, judged and cri cized but you can also be respected. 2. Find the organiza on you want to belong to and research that organiza on. Either it is a Club, a Ministry or a Riding Group, make sure you and your spouse (if married) agree with what the organiza on asks for, what is requested and what is demanded to join and ongoing. Your spouse should be making the decision with you, especially if you are a Chris an. If you do not want to serve… please join a Riding Group, or you will make the rest of the Chris ans look Un-Christ like to the rest of the Biker World. 3. If you decide to start your own M/M, CMC, RC or any other, pray, pray and pray. God will talk to you. Get council. Do it in the right and in peaceful terms, with a blessing by your Pastor and your area's C.O.C. Be in good terms. DO NOT JUMP SHIP! 4. When you finally put on that patch, remember that you ALWAYS REPRESENT THREE THINGS: Christ first, ALL the other patch holders that fly the same patch as you do and ALL Chris an Bikers. The world sees your patch first and then they see you. 5. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Remember you are a Chris an first. If you are not the same person with and without the patch, you should not be wearing one. A Chris an patch should not make you a Chris an. The same people are watching you when you have the patch on and when you don't have it on, so keep it real, and keep your eyes on Jesus because you may be the ONLY representa on of Christ another biker will ever see. Pick up our next issue for Part 7 of The History of the 3-pc Patch series. Disclaimer: This series of articles have been the most popular series in demand ahead of the series "Christians and Tattoos" articles. The articles are published to inform the motorcycle rider of a world within the world of motorcycling. Motorcycle Clubs have been around for over 60 years. Although some may not agree with some of the articles we publish, these articles were written by and from the perspective of Motorcycle Club members and Patch Holders. We did not make the rules. These articles are for "educational purposes". 24 | WheelsOfGrace.com | Issue 46

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