
Volume 7 Issue 1

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Page 14 of 47 - Issue 37 | Page 15 That Important I've long said that managing your stress levels is crucial to op mal health, and that is because all of your feelings, posi ve or nega ve, create physiological changes. Your skin, heart rate, diges on, joints, muscles, energy levels, the hair on your head, and countless cells and systems you don't even know about change with every emo on. Stress plays a major role in your immune system, and can impact your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, brain chemistry, blood sugar levels, and hormonal balance, for instance. It can even "break" your heart, and is increasingly being viewed as a cardiovascular risk marker. Extreme, sudden stress like the loss of a loved one or a job can have near-immediate impacts on your health, but so too can lingering everyday stressors that we all juggle, par cularly when they're not dealt with over me. This causes your body to remain in "fight or flight" mode for far too long - much longer than was ever intended from a biological standpoint. One of the most common consequences of this scenario is that your adrenal glands, faced with excessive stress and burden, become overworked and fa gued. This can lead to a number of related health condi ons, including fa gue, autoimmune disorders, skin problems and more. Stress has also been linked to cancer by ac ng as a drive of cancerous muta ons and mul drug resistance, poten ally triggering the growth of treatment-resistant tumors. And stress even appears to be related to the onset of Alzheimer's disease, by triggering a degenera ve process in your brain and precipita ng disrup on of your neuroendocrine and immune systems. In fact, stress, and by proxy your emo onal health, is a leading factor in virtually any disease or illness you can think of. Gold Standard SELECT NORDIC NATURALS ON SALE MARCH–APRIL

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