
Volume 6 Issue 4

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Dogs and cats should live well into their 20's, with health and vibrancy…really. Yet dogs are sta s cally dying at younger ages than 20 years ago. How is it that we have such advancements in medicine and technology, yet we have a na on (that includes the human counterparts) that is unhealthier now than ever before. Pet cancer sta s cs are more staggering than in humans. 3 out of 5 dogs will get cancer 1 out of 3 cats will get cancer In addi on to soaring cancer rates in pets, there are staggering increases in obesity, autoimmune disease, arthri s, allergies and gastrointes nal disorders. The reasons… A. We have sold our health for fast, cheap and convenient. We have been brainwashed to believe "healthy food" is processed, packaged and preserved with ar ficial chemicals. NO!!! This is frankinfood and it is killing our families, our pets and us! Since 1942 there has been over 85,000 synthe c chemicals developed and released into our foods, plants, animals and environment. Over 60,000 of these chemicals have found their way into our tap water. 10 years ago, in the first study of its kind, Environmental Working Group found that American pets are polluted with even higher levels of many of the same synthe c industrial chemicals that researchers have recently found in people, including newborns. Dogs and cats were contaminated with 48 of 70 industrial chemicals tested, including 43 chemicals at levels higher than those typically found in people. Average levels of many chemicals were substan ally higher in pets than is typical for people, with 2.4 mes higher levels of stain- and grease-proof coa ngs (perfluorochemicals) in dogs, 23 mes more fire retardants (PBDEs) in cats, and more than 5 mes the amounts of mercury. These sta s cs were 10 years ago. Toxin levels are exponen ally higher now. We have overwhelmed the body's capacity to eliminate toxins, resul ng in epidemic numbers of pets with cancer. B. Western medicine treats symptoms. Symptoms are a "sign" of the body not being in balance (dis-ease). Fix the reason for the symptom (the root cause) and the dis-ease resolves. C. Toxin overload. The bodies' organs of elimina on cannot keep up with the modern day onslaught of toxins. Dogs, cats and people have 6 organs of elimina on, all designed to help eliminate toxins. The organs of elimina on are liver, lungs, lympha c, kidney, colon, and the largest of all, the skin, which is also the largest organ of absorp on! None of these organs have been adapted to deal with synthe c chemicals. When toxins can't be eliminated through the organs, they are stored in the fat cells and leach out slowly, crea ng dis-ease. D. Toxic thinking/ Nega ve programing. Constantly being exposed to nega ve and violent programing (TV, Movies, Video's, Books and Radio) creates stress and harmful neuro chemicals. Top 10 Action Steps To Lower Toxic Load 1. Feed a species appropriate balanced organic/grass fed diet. If you are feeding processed food, READ THE LABELS! Avoid The ABC's Of Raising Pets In A Toxic World

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