Black Sheep

Black Sheep 1.8

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BSHDFC E-Mag April 2018 | Page 3 This Was N.E.a.T. Nearly thirty Northeast Black Sheep leaders and members assembled in Li tz, PA early last month for what was dubbed, "N.E.A.T." (North East Area Training). Avoiding major storms the week before and the week a er, members from Maine, New York, Connec cut, Pennsylvania and Maryland all came together for fellowship, encouragement and to review the videos from ILS2017 with Pastor Jeff Ludington. The theme seemed to be: "There has to be more than boot shines and hospital visits." While Pastor Jeff applauded our ministry's willingness to "serve" the motorcycle community (shining boots, cooking for HOG, raising money for injured bikers and officia ng at funerals and weddings), he concluded that it was me to "turn the corner" and ask bikers the ques on, "Is there anything I can pray with you about?" Pastor Jeff told the story of a church he had visited that was well known for it's weekly feeding of the poor. Great effort and cost was dedicated to collec ng and cooking the food, se ng up the church dining room, serving the people and then, of course, cleaning up a erwards. What he no ced, however, was that none of the church people ever really sat down and had breakfast with their guests. Nobody was engaging the poor. The church was terrific at feeding the stomachs of people but failed to feed their souls. Some may suggest that the Black Sheep "polish the boots but miss caring for the soles." The northeast Black Sheep concluded that even with all we already do for HOG and other bikers, it was me for something more; a next level of compassion. We need to AT LEAST ask, "How can I pray for you today?" Most people will have an answer for that ques on and will appreciate our asking. Everybody knows someone who needs prayer. People are sick, injured, out of work, struggling with an addic on or recently divorced. People have children who are struggling in school or with problems of their own. We know that JESUS is the answer and we are the connec ons between people and that Jesus! So we ask, "How can I pray for you today?" Three new members were patched that weekend. New friendships were made and a mul -state region came together like never before. Thanks to the Li tz United Methodist Church for opening their beau ful facili es to us. Thanks for all of the WONDERFUL baked goods from Marve and Lisa Ohlsen (owners of their own bakery! Photo below top). And thanks to Richard and Liz Preston (Li tz BSHDFC. photo below bo om) who were our local hosts and planners. Marve is also our North Eastern States Regional Director. Perhaps the best thing about the N.E.A.T. weekend was that the vision was conceived locally. So o en, it's our na onal office that comes up with these things. Black Sheep can be proud of their brothers in the Northeast who conceived and successfully birthed their first regional event.

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