Black Sheep

Black Sheep 1.8

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Page 10 | Karl Schreiber, Area Contact A couple of years ago, my wife Tammi and I received a vision to come to Durango, Colorado to start our Black Sheep ministry. We came from a comfortable chapter in Columbia, MO led by my good friend Randy Quirk. Right away, we started a ending our local Hog Mee ngs. We came in humility and ready to help any way we could. Immediately our patch was met with resistance and spiritual warfare in our HOG chapters as well as the dealership – in such a way I had never seen. Furthermore, in our region, the Four Corners Area, MC's have a strong influence and we were told early on that we would NOT be allowed to wear our BSHDFC patch. In fact, I was asked to present my case to a Unity mee ng with all the local and senior Clubs for our area, and again, the answer was a resounding NO! Tammi and I faced almost a year of rejec ons! Though we were not allowed to represent our ministry, Christ reminded us of His unwavering support for us in doing his work! Did we complain? Of course! Did we doubt? Certainly! We even considered moving back to our "comfortable" chapter in Columbia, but we were encouraged even more to return to God's Word and learn some amazing truths about His desire to further His work and our part in it. With the 2018 New Year, we began to watch God do awesome things in our "soon to be chapter." In the next few weeks, we went from no help, no money and intense spiritual warfare to being without any significant needs in 2018. We have prayed and fallen on God's promises! We have sought our na onal BSHDFC office for support and prayer and they have responded. We have requested and received funds from our new church mission board and best of all we are watching the spiritual strongholds in our HOG chapter and dealership fade. Those who opposed us are gone and today we are increasingly requested to help support our fellow HOG members. Our HOG director has even asked Tammi and me to manage the Iron Horse, Down Biker Fund and to start Chris an bike blessings. We have been blessed by our sister BSHDFC chapters in Denver and Colorado Springs! We are happy to see other BSHDFC members move to Durango! And we now have new members wai ng to be patched and two more mentees to start the membership process in April! Things have REALLY changed! A CAll to PerseverAnCe As area contacts ourselves, we know the struggles of being an area contact; we really do get it! We are also acutely aware of the importance of the work we do and the eternal rewards for us and those we serve. Is it hard? Yes! But if our Lord and Savior could die in the manner He died for us, then we can do this for Him! Can we agree the we are called by that "Great Commission" to GO and make disciples? Please receive this as a "call to ac on!" The Word of God and the nightly News should help you understand my intensity. These are difficult and cri cal mes we are living in! We are hearing more and more about "wars and rumors of wars." LET ME BE CLEAR, you area contacts are not alone in this ministry. In fact, you are covered in the Blood of Christ, our prayers and the prayers from BSHDFC headquarters. Christ's desire to bless the work which He began in you will be completed if you persevere! God gave us the Holy Spirit to do the things He did and more! Listen Please! The cost of qui ng is too great! Satan opposes us and wants us to fail. If we lean into the Word of God, He promises us that we cannot fail. It would be contrary to His promises to us. This is our ministry and our responsibility. God has told us to ask for anything in His name and he will bless us. Why? Because this is His work we are doing. He will not set us up to fail when we are faithful! Have you called our offices for them to pray for you on Tuesday mornings? We have! Too o en, we forget that all we need is a prayer's breath away. I know our area contacts are hardworking and caring, but some mes frustrated with the progress they are making. "We have not because we ask not" Jesus said. Are you asking? Are you asking those who can pray with you and perhaps even help you in your needs? Again, there is the na onal office but there are also other chapters and your local churches that may help! Tammi and I don't have all the answers, but we are greatly encouraged by God's grace to us through our local church, other Black Sheep chapters and our na onal office. I have seen the Lord open doors that by all human accounts should have stayed closed. God is great and He is faithful!

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