
Volume 4 Issue 6

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every 8 African American males in our na on's capital. Most of the Influenza in the world is now resistant to the drugs we were using as front line treatment just 4 years ago. Even the powerful antacids are now shown to cause a poorly understood atrophy of the stomach lining, increase our risk for pneumonia, and enable us to more comfortably consume the fat-laden cuisine that is fueling our number one killers - cardiovascular disease and cancer. Even when drugs manage to contain cancer, or reduce heart a acks or strokes, the clinical trials consistently show li le change in the actual length of life. This suggests that these diseases rarely swoop in to kill otherwise perfectly healthy humans, but instead, their occurrence alerts us to an ailing body that is going to die one way or another as the body's natural defenses con nue to succumb to chronic environmental stress. Perhaps most frustra ng: it seems we can hardly get through a few months without another study revealing that yet another drug has actually caused more harm than good - this a er the pharmaceu cal company walks away with many billions of dollars during the first decade of the drug's use. Our overconfidence in pharmaceu cals has hurt us, but it is going to kill our children. For the first me in American history our children are expected to live shorter than us. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has announced that 1 in 3 children in elementary school is expected to become diabe c in adulthood. We can expect the impact of this burden of disease to negate the marginal progress that we had made in controlling rates of cancer and cardiovascular in decades past. This is a burden of chronic disease that is unprecedented in human history, a burden that will crush the physical and financial resources of this na on's healthcare system. There is no healthcare bill going to save us on this one. Our children who escape these epidemics will be shouldered with a flagging economy that staggers under the weight of a healthcare industry that will consume well beyond 25% of our gross domes c product (GDP) within 20 years (Japan spends 5% of their GDP on universal healthcare and has a life expectancy 8 years longer than ours) - Ours will be an economy that will be dependent upon an increasingly unproduc ve work force that suffers from an ever increasing volume of mental and physical disorder stemming from nutri onal stress. We are now in the convalescent years of Western medicine's pharmaceu cal era. This is not a predic on of future pharmaceu cal collapse. This is a current reality. In the last years we have seen the world's two largest pharmaceu cal companies fold their research and development divisions in cardiovascular medica ons as they have seen the drug pipeline dry up as an increasing number of new drugs in this arena have been causing increased mortality. All but a few pharmaceu cal companies have given up on an bio c development as they now recognize the short-lived therapeu c capacity of these drugs to combat the increasingly rapid development of an bio c-resistance. Drug development has given up on targe ng health outcomes such as length or quality of life, instead focusing on markers of disease such as blood sugar, cholesterol, cancer cells, immune cells, etc. T h e G r e e n H e a l t h R e v o l u t i o n The successful farmer understands that the quality of the soil is the founda on for a healthy crop -- one that is resistant to disease; we are no different as humans - by restoring health to the diges ve system (gut and liver), the immune system, and the neuromuscular system, your body's innate capacity for healing and vital living emerges. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. It is our privilege to be witness to the emerging health and vitality of our pa ents. We have assembled a mul -disciplinary team that believes that there is no remedy -- Western, Eastern, or otherwise -- that can compete with the toxicity of the American lifestyle. Our team sees every pa ent with the inten on of iden fying the areas of greatest systemic stress: diges ve, metabolic, psychological, and immune deficiencies that have allowed the pa ent's decline in func on and created the foot hold for disease. We then focus all therapeu c a en on to the rapid elimina on of systemic insults, and leverage the combined knowledge and exper se of our team to restore the body's innate system of healing, thus relieving pa ent and doctor from the vicious cycle of: disease, drug, side effect, drug, side effect, drug... We employ the best of academic medicine and the tradi onal healing arts in an all- out effort to restore you to the point of op mal health at every age. No ma er how healthy we live, no ma er how excep onally we eat, this life is going to be full of moments of crushing heartache, broken dreams, and true suffering. Our goal is to help you get to a point of health that will also allow you to realize moments of great joy and wellbeing, and we look forward to the opportunity to support you when a storm rages over you; we have all been there. Abby's Magazine - Volume 4 Issue 6 | Page 37

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