
Volume 4 Issue 6

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Energy What Is It And Why Does It "Matter" Energy provides the strength and vitality required for sustained physical and mental ac vity. Ma er is condensed energy We (and our fur kids) are made of trillions of cells (ma er). The cells have an energy generators inside them called the mitochondria. Vitamins and hormones found in natural foods bind to the receptor sites on the cell membrane, allowing the cell to func on properly. Toxins (found in food, water, products that touch our skin and the air we breath) bind to the cells receptor sites, interfering with normal cell func on and energy produc on. The result of this toxin interference is inflamma on, which is the root cause of virtually all diseases. In 1974, the World Health Organiza on stated that environmental toxins create approximately 84% of all chronic diseases. Over the past 40+ years this number has drama cally increased. Cellular toxicity is epidemic and is a major contributor to numerous health issues. Conven onal medicines' approach to disease is "take-a-shot-and-run", aiming treatment at the symptoms and doing li le for the long-term health of the pa ent. FIX THE CELL TO GET WELL To op mize the bodies' ability to produce energy and func on with vibrance and a ain longevity, the inflamma on must be removed, or at least reduced at the cellular level. Not only does the 5 organs of elimina on need to be cleaned, but the cell needs to be detoxed as well. The first step in reducing inflamma on is to iden fy the sources where toxins come in. Stop Polluting The Body 1. Evaluate what you are feeding your pets. ALL processed foods (dry kibble or can foods) are exceedingly high in carbohydrates, which for a obligate carnivore (like your cat) leads to inflamma on. Processed foods lack diges ve enzymes (that aid in the breakdown of the food) and healthy bacteria (probio cs and prebio cs) that are cri cal for proper diges on and assimila on of nutrients. In addi on, the fats used in pet foods are the bad fats and o en they are rancid. 2. What is the quality of the drinking water? Glyphosate (Round Up) has been iden fied in our tap water along with chlorine, fluoride and many other toxins. 3. What is the air quality that your pet is breathing? Many candles and "plug in" air fresheners are petroleum based and filled with toxins that are detrimental. 4. What is coming in contact with your pets skin? The skin is the largest organ of excre on and absorp on. Hormone disrupters (preserva ves like Xenoestrogens found in soaps, chemicals, plas cs, pes cides on the lawn and other toxins) bind to the cells receptor sites and create tremendous inflamma on. 5. What toxins have been introduced into the body through vaccina on? Rabies is the only vaccine required by law. Many coun es now recognize a 3-year rabies vaccine (which reduces over vaccina on). Speak with your veterinarian regarding the risk factors for the various diseases that have associated vaccines. Base the choice to vaccinate on the risk/benefit for your pet. I recommend doing ters to confirm the pet has protec ve immunity instead of rou nely vaccina ng. 6. What parasite products have you used? Living in Florida, the bug capital of the world, it is important to control parasites as they contribute significantly to disease. We can however detox the body and minimize the deleterious effects of these chemicals. Page 20 | Abby's Magazine -

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