Health & Wellness

Boomer Edition | 11th Annual - 2015

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Health and Wellness Magazine • 51 THe dragonTree This holistic day spa was brought to Boulder by wellness entre- preneur Briana Borten and her husband, Peter, who holds a doctorate in Chinese Medicine from Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. At the spa, Borten's practice includes a weight-loss program that integrates acupuncture, herbs, dietary guidance and sauna sessions, which expel toxins that are released from fat-cell storage. Other Dragontree therapies range from skin care and massages to Ayurveda ("Ire-veh-dah"), an ancient Indian healing science that considers the body, mind, and spirit in treatment and illness prevention. Or peace-seekers can sip a cup of the spa's own Dragontree Peace Herbal Tea in the Sangha Room, a soothing community space with dimly lighted crimson walls, trickling water, and plush, elevated sofas. "A lot of hard-working people and professional athletes come to us with a health crisis and are also looking for alternative health offerings or a spiritual experience while releasing that stress," says spa director Charity Tamsberg. Experience: The Full Bliss Immersion with a skin exfoliation, steam treatment, rhythmic warm-oil massage, and a forehead massage to refocus the mind. | 303-219-1444 1521 Pearl st, Boulder, co did you knoW? on average, american employees take advantage of only half of their earned vacation or paid time off, and 61 percent of employees who took time off worked while away from the office. some employees stockpile vacation days for potential future trips, but only 48 percent of those workers take advantage of all of their PTo.

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