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We sat down with Piergeorge, author of Boomer Be Well! (who has since moved her practice to San Diego), to talk about her experience with osteoarthritis and why baby boomers are so prone to it. Piergeorge shared what foods can help ease the joint pain the degenerative disease causes and why it's so important to get moving, even when the pain is at its worst. h&W: What prompted you to write your book? piergeorge: As I myself am a baby boomer, I saw the need for this generation to be armed with the tools of health maintenance. Our generation is one that defies aging and stays active. Maintaining health is important to many in our generation and can be so easy; we just have to make the effort. h&W: What makes baby boomers especially prone to osteoarthritis? piergeorge: Baby boomers tend to be more inquisitive about trying new activities and adventures. Many in our generation also embraced regular exercise routines. When we were growing up, information regarding prevention and nutrition was just starting to emerge. OA can creep up later in life due to earlier wear and tear on the body. PAIN dietician uses diet and exercise for arthritis rx by Allyson reedy As a longtime registered dietician nutritionist (RDN), Susan Piergeorge knows more than just the basics of good health. But even her background didn't stop Piergeorge, who built her career in Colorado, from developing osteoarthritis, the most common form of the potentially debilitating disease. Nearly a quarter of all Americans and half of people age 65 and older suffer from some form of arthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Taming The