Wheels Of Grace Magazine

Volume 10, Issue 5

Issue link: http://cp.revolio.com/i/1125850

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24 | WheelsOfGrace.com | Issue 45 W.O.G. Can you share with us about a me that life was difficult for you aside from B.A.T.? Perhaps a personal experience you are willing to share with our readers? Doc.: My life sucked. It was one tragedy a er another and there were many mes I tried to chuck it all and end it. However, God always intervened. I have been shot at mul ple mes, had knives thrown at me, been in wrecks, had a terrible divorce, been subject to childhood sexual abuse/trauma and molesta on, been beaten, had my face broken in fights and the list could go on and on. But God, o en mes against my will, sustained me and con nued to show me his love un l I collapsed into his arms. I am forever grateful. W.O.G. And how did you get through it? Doc.: I thought it was because of my stubborn ro enness but now I know it was God. W.O.G. David Pla in his book "Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream" wrote: "My biggest fear, even now, is that I will hear Jesus' words and walk away, content to se le for less than radical obedience to Him. " I would say that you Doc, have a made a radical decision doing what you do. Do you feel radical doing what you do? Doc.: I feel on the edge. I had the leader of the Seminole County Human Trafficking Task Force call me up a few months ago and tell me that everywhere he went, he is a sheriff deputy on the FBI joint taskforce for trafficking, people came up to him and asked if he knew about us. Somehow the word about us is ge ng out and people are saying that we are a group that does not do poli cs but that gets things done. I would say that is because we are driven with our God given purpose to get our hands dirty at all mes, in all ways. W.O.G. Do you see B.A.T. expanding beyond the U.S.? Like in Canada or in Europe? Doc.: Yep, we are already working with groups in three countries. W.O.G. How is one Sex Trafficked? Can you give us a scenario that is prevalent today? Doc.: Unfortunately, there is a lot of money that can be made by selling someone for sex. Unlike other things a person can be sold for sex mul ple mes and there is not a lot that the law does at present for the majority of people who get caught doing it. Primarily because the vic ms o en are so trauma zed that they cannot tes fy against them. People in authority can guilt people into doing it, a lot of mes someone is tricked by sending an indecent picture and then they are blackmailed. Some are drugged and then forced into it. Others are kidnapped. Sta s cs say that more than half of all people trafficked are being trafficked by parents or by someone the parent knows. We work with quite a few people that their parents decided to sell them for money or drugs. When they tried to resist they were drugged, beaten or abused in addi onal ways where the vic m had no real choice or will to resist. This is common and unfortunately, when the perpetrator is caught many don't receive any punishment whatsoever. I had another high school student that was picked up at the mall when a nice looking lady complimented him and said he should be a model. It was the guise of being a model that drew him in where he became vulnerable. W.O.G. What can you tell the parent, the grandparent or the pastor reading this interview to watch for? What are some of the signs to watch for in order to avoid this from happening to their own family members? Doc.: A change in behavior, poor eye contact. Secrets, bruises, ta oos that they cannot explain. A lot of mes their dress style will reveal something because they start dressing more sexual. Their conversa on will be more sexual. They might have an increase in finances, new clothes. An older boyfriend or girlfriend. Poor a endance at school. Drug or alcohol use can some mes be a sign. Now days there is a lot of things being done on the Internet so you should definitely know what your child is doing on the web. Make sure they are aware of the dangers, be aware of their ac vi es and show a concern for them. If you suspect anything take them to a counselor. Never hesitate to do the right thing. W.O.G. We have met with you and Diena several mes. We have heard stories that we could not believe and cannot print in Wheels Of Grace. Can you tell the parent, or the grandparent reading this interview what are some ways to prevent it from happening? Doc.: Being aware, being loving and establishing healthy boundaries is really important. Having an ac ve rela onship with your kids or grandkids is important and being involved in their lives. That is one of the greatest things you can do. I am a firm believer that kids need a caring, trus ng adult that is not their parent to develop a rela onship with to help process life. For many it can be a pastor, especially a youth pastor. If that is not available, try to find a healthy mentor but be aware of behaviors that seem fishy. And remember it can happen to anyone at any me. W.O.G. If you can tell something to someone that does not believe in God and is reading this interview, what would you tell him or her? Doc.: I would tell them that there was a me in my life that I did not believe in God and then there was another me where I hated God because I thought he was this tyrant who played chess with people's lives. However, that all changed when I started to understand that Jesus loved me just as I was. That Jesus was crazy about me…no strings a ached. It was hard to understand that He did not want to use or manipulate me but as I got to know Jesus suddenly I started to see that I had value simply because He loved me and He died for me. I did not deserve anything good then or anything good now but that is the point of His grace. It is not what I deserved. It is simply something that He gives to me…in spite of me. I could have never survived all I went through without Him even though I didn't understand what all was going www.BikersAgainstTrafficking.org

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