
Volume 4 Issue 6

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Dr. Marlene Siegel Pasco Veterinary Medical Center 813-973-2929 7. Is there a source of infec on in your pets body? Periodontal disease (teeth and gum problems) is a huge contributor to chronic inflamma on. 8. How much exercise is your pet ge ng? Most people don't exercise themselves enough let alone exercise their pets! Walking to and fro to the food bowl does NOT qualify as exercise! Many animals spend their day indoors with li le to no ac vity or mental s mula on. 9. Is your pet overweight? If the answer is yes, they are insulin resistant, the precursor condi on to diabetes. The sugar (which is the body's natural fuel) isn't able to get into the cell to fuel energy produc on. Obese pets have a greater toxin load because toxins are stored in the fat! Obesity is in the top 3 prevalent diseases in this country. The excessive sugar contributes to demen a, also known as cogni ve dysfunc on syndrome in pets, and Alzheimer's in people. 10. Has your pet received steroids (an -itch medicine)? Excessive steroid usage can lead to Cushing's syndrome (a disease of the adrenal gland also called hyper-adrenocor cism). The adrenal glands interact with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland; the collabora on of the three glands is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis). Their joint ac vi es help control the body's reac ons to stress, (physical or psychological). They also help regulate body processes such as diges on, the immune system, and energy usage. 11. Animals also suffer from adrenal fa gue (hypo-adrenocor cism also called Addison's disease), which can be fatal! Lifestyle Solutions 1. Feed an organic balanced grass fed raw diet. More harm can be inflicted by feeding an imbalanced diet! Contact me for more informa on. 2. Our bodies are made of 70% water. Drinking the best water possible is vital! I recommend a system that makes molecular hydrogen water through a process of electrolysis. This system not only filters the water (removing glyphosate along with 99% of other toxins) but the molecular hydrogen that is generated acts as an an oxidant. Contact me for details. 3. Use high quality cer fied organic essen al oils in a diffuser or boil herbs to create amazing smells in the home. 4. Read labels! If you can't pronounce and understand an ingredient on a label, do not put it on your pet (or you)! If it was made by a white coat (made in a lab by a scien st, you will end up being treated by a white coat (a doctor). Don't walk on lawns that are treated with chemicals, especially Round Up. If in doubt, don't go there! 5. Many holis c prac ces use homeopathic nosodes to provide vaccine protec on (homeoprophylaxis) or to ameliorate the nega ve effects of vaccina on. Consult with a holis c prac oner for more informa on. 6. There are natural flea products, like yarrow and neem, but if your pet is experiencing an infesta on or is par cularly sensi ve to the insect bite, this may be the me where discriminate usage of effec ve products may be warranted. I highly recommend avoiding the "chewable" heart worm and flea products as the ingredients added to make the product palatable (tasty for the pet) may be more toxic than the insec cide! 7. Look in your pets mouth! Red gums, tartar on the teeth or breath that gags you indicates professional dental care is needed. Pets fed a balanced organic raw diet have far less periodontal disease. Brush your pets teeth daily with a finger cot and essen al oils (contact me for a good blend). 8. PLAY! Exercise is a cri cal component of everyone's health. Dedicate a minimum of 10-20 minutes a day to exercise your pet. Exposing them to new surroundings also helps s mulate their minds and lower cor sol levels. For cats, play games that ins gate the "hunt", like a red light laser tag or fishing pole games. Playing predator type games at dawn and dusk, before feeding, will s mulate hormones that aid in diges on and sa ety. 9. Feeding a species appropriate organic balanced raw diet will resolve obesity. I have had type 2 diabe c animals become insulin independent (no longer need insulin injec ons) when fed a balanced raw diet. 10. There are many herbs that nourish and support the adrenals. My favorites include Astragalus root and Licorice root. Consult a holis c veterinarian for guidance on the right herbs for your pet. But the key ingredient to ge ng well and staying well is: FIX THE CELL Once the above lifestyle is implemented, the cell s ll needs to be cleaned in order to a ain Energy Restoration for Optimal Health Toxins compete for the receptor sites on the cell, blocking them from the needed nutrients and compromising the cells ability to func on and produce energy. I u lize a variety of detoxifiers based on the history, symptoms, and condi on of the pa ent. Heavy metal chela on, homeopathic detoxifying, infrared sauna, herbs, essen al oils, coffee enemas and magne c resonance (Magnesphere) are some of the tools in my tool kit. Detoxifying can cause serious problems if not managed properly! Seek qualified support if your pet has exis ng challenges. Abby's Magazine - Volume 4 Issue 6 | Page 21

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