
Volume 9, Issue 3

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Page 22 of 31 | # 47 | Page 23 You can view it or read it on line, or download the PDF version of one page or the complete magazine. DON'T WORRY – GO TO ABBYSHEALTHFOOD. COM/ABBYS-MAGAZINE TO VIEW OR READ THE LATEST AND ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES. FREE $5.95 FREE $5.95 (Issue 34) "Better Health Through Education" Magazine Magazine Volume 6 Edition 4 Raising Healthy Kids ABBYSHEALTHFOOD.COM/ABBYS-MAGAZINE Missed an issue of protocols), full spectrum infrared therapy, herbs and homotoxicology are but a few tools I u lize to support detoxifica on. 10. Mitochondrial biogenesis, making more and healthier mitochondria. Mitochondria are the power house's that produce the energy the body runs on. They also communicate with the microbiome, direc ng metabolic pathways through the extracellular matrix, the communica on network. The healthier the mitochondria, the healthier the individual. Crea ng Horme c Stressors (through intermi ent fas ng, exposure to extreme temperature and high intensity exercise) drives Dr. Marlene Siegel Pasco Veterinary Medical Center 813-973-2929 enhance digestion, exercise or stimulate "hunting" instinct behavior (chasing a toy) to get gastric juices flowing. Once a week, at various times, skip 1 meal or feed later than usual to experience an 18 hour fast. 9. Support detoxifica on of the 6 organs of elimination (kidneys, colon, lungs, liver, skin, and lympha cs). In my opinion, the most important organs to focus on are the liver and the lympha cs because they do so much of the heavy li ing. Intermi ent fas ng, high intensity movement, lympha c massage (yes for pets too), coffee enemas (contact me for proper "autophagy" (literally means self-ea ng, and is the means by which the body removes aging cells) and "mitophagy", removing and repurposing worn out mitochondria). Not everyone wants to be an athlete, but everyone wants to thrive in their body. Pet parents want their fur babies to have longevity (live longer) while feeling vibrant, energe c and be free of dis-ease. Our fur babies can't make these lifestyle choices for themselves, so it is up to you, the pet guardian, to become educated so you can support your fur baby, giving them the longest, healthiest life possible!

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