
Volume 9, Issue 2

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Page 26 of 35 | # 46 | Page 27 That's why, in a marriage, in a family, not everyone has to change. People think that 'Oh, my husband has to change. My wife has to change. My kid has to change. My parent has to change.' Actually … your chances of ge ng them to change are approximately zero. The only person you have leverage over is yourself … We know, through that new science of emo onal contagion, that your emo ons are contagious. So, make that choice to work on yourself, to find your nega ve emo on, to release it, to be this agent of posi ve emo onal contagion all around you and soon you'll find it spreads far beyond you. Be proac ve. Do the things it'll take to shi your mood. When we shi psychology, we shi biology. People don't realize how dependent their biology is on their psychology. Fill your mind with posi ve thoughts. I'm not saying don't read anything nega ve. You can't avoid it. You need to be well informed. But be informed and see it through the lens of that posi ve being. Tune into nature every day. That's something you can choose to do. Are there s ll problems — financial problems, medical problems, family problems? Sure. There might be all those problems. But now you are a resilient person who is facing those problems and bringing five mes the problem-solving ability into that situa on." Do things to love your mind and body, and then be that vibrant person who helps those around you shi . A suffering world needs us now more than ever." Emo onal intensity is also important for op mal results, and the emo on of gra tude typically generates this. As such, compassion and gratitude go hand in hand and work very well together. Sheltering in Love When California issued its first round of lockdown orders, Dawson and his wife agreed to use that me of increased togetherness to be extra nice to each other — to literally shelter in love. He explains: "We realized we would be together a lot more than usual. We said we're going to use this as a crucible to really be nice to each other. We weren't not nice to each other before, but we knew we'd have tension. We used this as a way to shelter in love, get to know each other be er … I began to learn things about her. I began to be fascinated by her. We used the crisis to strengthen our rela onship. Families are systems. When you change one element of a system, you change the whole system. You can view it or read it on line, or download the PDF version of one page or the complete magazine. DON'T WORRY – GO TO ABBYSHEALTHFOOD. COM/ABBYS-MAGAZINE TO VIEW OR READ THE LATEST AND ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES. FREE $5.95 FREE $5.95 (Issue 34) "Better Health Through Education" Magazine Magazine Volume 6 Edition 4 Raising Healthy Kids ABBYSHEALTHFOOD.COM/ABBYS-MAGAZINE Missed an issue of

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