
Volume 8 Issue 4

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Page 34 | Abby's Magazine | Larch Arabinogalactan: The common cold is a viral infection with important economic burdens in Western countries. The research and development of nutritional solutions to reduce the incidence and severity of colds today is a major focus of interest, and larch arabinogalactan seems to be a promising supportive agent. Arabinogalactan has been consumed by humans for thousands of years and is found in a variety of common vegetables as well as in medicinal herbs. The major commercial sources of this long, densely branched, high-molecular-weight polysaccharide are North American larch trees. In cell and animal models, larch arabinogalactan is capable of enhancing natural killer cells and macrophages as well as the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In humans a clinical study demonstrated that larch arabinogalactan increased the body's potential to defend against common cold infection. Larch arabinogalactan decreased the incidence of cold episodes by 23 %. Immunoglobulins: also known as antibodies, are glycoprotein molecules produced by plasma cells (white blood cells). They act as a critical part of the immune response by specifically recognizing and binding to particular antigens, such as bacteria or viruses, and aiding in their destruction. The antibody immune response is highly complex and exceedingly specific. The various immunoglobulin classes and subclasses (isotypes) differ in their biological features, structure, target specificity and distribution. Hence, the assessment of the immunoglobulin isotype can provide useful insight into complex humoral immune response. Assessment and knowledge of immunoglobulin structure and classes is also important for selection and preparation of antibodies as tools for immunoassays and other detection applications. Probiotics: Beyond simply keeping bad bacteria in the gut at bay, probiotics play a role in defining and maintaining the delicate balance between necessary and excessive defense mechanisms including innate and adaptive immune responses. Points of interaction with the immune regulation for probiotics include bacteria direct interaction with intestinal epithelial cells, or following internalization by M cells through interaction with dendritic cells and follicle-associated epithelial cells, initiating responses mediated by macrophages and T and B-lymphocytes. Regula on of gene expression and signaling pathways in the host cells are two major mechanisms underlying probio c ac on leading to immunomodula on. Gigar na: is a plentiful source of protein, vitamins, trace minerals and fiber. Many species of marine algae including gigartina contain significant quantities of complex structural sulfated polysaccharides that have been shown to inhibit the replication of enveloped viruses including members of the flavivirus. The gigar na strain of red marine algae is the richest known source of sulfated polysaccharides. Red marine algae are also high in an oxidants, which help to power up our immune systems to combat free radical damage. It's the carrageenan's in red marine algae, for instance, that are thought to ramp up interferon produc on in the immune system. Interferon's are proteins dispatched by cells to meet the advance of intruding viruses, inhibi ng the ability of said viruses to replicate and cause damage. Carrageenan's also increase the produc vity of T and B-cells, which destroy cells already infected with a virus. Because of this, red marine algae are considered by some to be a powerful preventa ve measure against everything from yeast infec ons and shingles to serious viruses like HPV and Epstein-Barr. Spices: Many spices—such as clove, oregano, thyme, cinnamon, and cumin—possess significant antibacterial and antifungal activities against food spoilage bacteria like Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens, pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, harmful fungi like Aspergillus flavus, and even antibiotic resistant microorganisms such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, spices have a great potential to be developed as new and safe antimicrobial agents. CONCLUSION Morbidity and mortality are mainly caused, by infec ous diseases all over the world. The World Health Organiza on reported that 55 million people died worldwide in 2011, with one-third of the deaths owing to infec ous diseases. An bio c resistant microorganisms can increase mortality rates because they can survive and recover through their ability to acquire and transmit resistance a er exposure to an bio c drugs, which are one of the therapies to infec ous diseases. An bio c resistant bacteria threaten an bio c effec veness and limit the therapeu c op ons even for common infec ons. The decline in research and development of new an bacterial agents, which are able to inhibit an bio c resistant disease-causing microorganisms such as S. aureus, aggravates the emerging an bio c resistance. Therefore, much a en on should be paid to natural products, which could be used as effec ve drugs to treat human diseases, with high efficacy against pathogens and negligible side effects. We all need help via nutri onal assistance by ea ng an organic, mostly plant-based, colorful diet while supplemen ng with food-based supplements. A daily approach to immunity is no longer an op on. It is a necessity to combat known and unknown pathogens, be they bacterial, viral, fungal, parasi c, or mutagenic in nature. The goal is not the avoidance of these pathogens, as it is not realis c or possible. The goal is to mi gate the damage a pathogen can do while our immune system works on iden fying and destroying it. Pathogens have been here for at least as long as we have, on us, and in us. Like inmates housed in an ins tu on, there are ac ons we can take to prevent them from taking over the asylum. During certain instances, the health of your immune system can literally be the difference between life and death for those who have a weak or compromised immune system. The elderly and those with an underlying health condi on most o en have fragile immune systems. So do individuals who eat a diet low in immune-boos ng nutrients, those who make poor lifestyle choices, and others who are unfortunately gene cally predisposed to low immunity? The average North American adult is stricken with 2 to 4 colds and children contract an average of 6 to 8 bouts of illness during cold and flu season.

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