Issue link: | # 44 | Page 25 7. Suppor ng healthy bones Zinc plays a key role in your bone matrix and regulates the delicate balance between bone building and bone breakdown, especially important as you age. It also promotes bone mineraliza on through its role as a cofactor of alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme found in your bone cells. 8. Helping to prevent cellular damage in your re na Researchers have found that zinc may help delay age-related vision loss, possibly by protec ng against free radical damage to cells in your re na. 9. Suppor ng your sensory organ func on, like taste, smell and vision A shortage of zinc can lead to a loss of taste, and therefore, appe te. With a deficiency, the cells in your taste and smell organs can actually die faster. For your vision, zinc works together with vitamin A to help your eyes sense light and transmit nerve impulses to your brain. This is just a sampling of what zinc does in your body... Zinc is an essen al trace mineral with more biological roles than all your other trace elements combined! Used in all of your cells, it's a building block for about 3,000 proteins and required for over 300 enzyma c reac ons. However, as beneficial as zinc may be, there's also a real danger from ge ng too much zinc. Excessive amounts of zinc can reduce your immune func on and also lower your "good" HDL cholesterol levels. Plus, too much zinc can adversely affect your healthy copper levels as well as your hearing and taste. Because the brain uses about 25 percent of your oxygen intake, supplying it with enough oxygen is essen al. For people with chronic lung diseases, ge ng enough oxygen is difficult. When the brain doesn't receive the amount of oxygen it needs, cerebral hypoxia can occur. Cerebral hypoxia, also known as brain hypoxia, is a serious medical condi on that can be caused by smoke inhala on, carbon monoxide poisoning, choking, cardiac arrest, drowning, stroke and other condi ons. The symptoms of cerebral hypoxia can be mild to severe, and include: Mild Symptoms: • Poor judgment • Decline in cogni on • Uncoordinated movement Severe Symptoms: • Complete unawareness and unresponsiveness • Pupils do not react to light • Respiratory Failure Cerebral hypoxia requires immediate emergency treatment to return the flow of oxygen to the brain. If you suspect cerebral hypoxia, call 911. Benefits of Maximizing Oxygen Levels and Brain Function The brain requires a steady amount of glucose and oxygen to func on properly, so finding ways to increase its oxygen levels could help. Keep the air at home fresh and clean by adding plants to naturally increase oxygen. Consider natural air purifiers such as salt lamps, peace lilies and bamboo charcoal. Having plants in the home can reduce carbon dioxide levels while increasing oxygen levels. When you're calm, breathing becomes easier and stress levels are lower. Deep breathing, medita on and posi ve thinking exercises are good ways to help you relax. Exercise also increases the oxygen in your blood. Walking, yoga and Tai Chi are effec ve forms of gentle exercise. Proper hydra on and nutri on can help improve oxygen levels. For example, ea ng an oxidants helps the body maintain the proper amount of blood oxygen. Try ea ng blueberries, cranberries, ar choke hearts, blackberries and strawberries. Because items such as stoves, portable propane heaters, charcoal grills, automobile engines and anything that burns coal, gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane or wood can produce carbon monoxide, it's important to have a carbon monoxide alarm and detector. Remember to discuss any ques ons, concerns and symptoms with your doctor, as well as diet and exercise before star ng or changing your treatment plan. Oxygen levels and brain func on go hand- in-hand. When your brain has enough oxygen, your body func ons be er, and you'll feel be er. As your blood oxygen levels improve, you might no ce improved cogni ve func on, be er balance and an overall improvement to your health. The R i sk s of LOW BLOOD OXYGEN in the BRAIN