
Volume 8 Issue 1

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Page 24 | Abby's Magazine - Clearly we are living in some extraordinary mes. There has never been a period in history where so many people are suffering from chronic issues and fatal diseases. Cancer rates in humans... 1 out of 2 males and 1 out of 3 females. If we added demen a, obesity, arthri s and autoimmune diseases, we would be close to 100% of people affected with some form of dis-ease. Despite the fact that we have a pill for nearly every ill and a diet for nearly ever disease, the disease sta s cs for animals are even worse than humans. 1 out of 1.65 dogs and 1 out of 3 cats are ge ng cancer. This is no longer a disease of the old. We are diagnosing cancer in animals under 2 years of age. Autoimmune disease, arthri s and chronic illness are at astronomically high rates in our fur babies. Life expectancy for dogs is down by 7 years! Like in people, if we include cogni ve dysfunc on, obesity, allergies, arthri s and autoimmune diseases, we would be close to 100% of pets being affected with some form of illness. The wildlife on our planet are being affected too. A 44 year retrospec ve study done between 1970 and 2014 by the World Wild Life Fund in connec on with 2 major universi es showed a 58% reduc on in all vertebrate species on the planet. Bees are at risk for ex nc on. This is a huge dilemma as bees are responsible for pollina ng over 80% of our food produc on! Though there are many contribu ng factors. Rising levels of environmental toxins and overuse and abuse of an bio cs are huge contributors. From the CDC Website: "An bio c resistance is one of the biggest public health challenges of our me. Each year in the U.S., at least 2 million people get an an bio c-resistant infec on, and at least 23,000 people die." "An microbial use in food animals can contribute to the emergence of an microbial resistance in bacteria that may be transferred to humans, thereby reducing the effec veness of an microbial drugs for trea ng human disease." It is predicted that in under 20 years, an microbial therapy will be worthless. The emergence of 5G may contribute to mitochondrial dysfunc on on a scale never before seen. Mitochondria are the powerhouse or ba ery of the cell that produces the "energy" the body uses to drive all living func ons. SYMPToMS vS BioLoGY For years we (human doctors and veterinarians) have prac ced symptom based medicine. Based on sta s cs, it is clear this model is not effec ve in achieving health or healing. It is impera ve we shi our belief system from one which treats disease (symptoms) to one that works with the bodies "biology", suppor ng the innate intelligence of the body in such a way as to achieve the health and healing we are all seeking to experience for ourselves, our fur babies and the planet. We must make changes, drama c changes and fast changes to the way medicine is prac ced and the choices we make regarding lifestyle, or, as a species we could be facing ex nc on in as li le as 70 years. ToDAYS PeT PArenTS Are DiFFerenT THAn 40 YeArS AGo Todays pet parents have a "soul" bond with their pets. They are also far more educated with Dr. Google and they are loyal to outcomes, not people or clinics. They expect "cures" at economical prices. HeALTH CHALLenGeS Are CHAnGinG Older prac oners like myself (I am prac cing nearly 35 years) remember when their day was filled with flea allergy derma s, hip dysphasia, vomi ng and or diarrhea and foreign body GI surgery. Most of the cases received an bio cs, steroids or nsaids. Not only are the diseases we see today becoming more complex, requiring more advanced diagnos cs and treatment, but the side effects of the an bio cs, steroids and nsaids (non steroidal an inflammatory agents) are unacceptable to todays pet parent. Chronic deficiency, combined with toxic overload, leading to chronic inflamma on and mitochondrial dysfunc on leave the body in an energy depleted state and suscep ble to illness. Dr. Siegel's 6 step approach to healing solu ons: 1. Stop pollu ng the pet's body. Feed a species appropriate balanced raw food, provide highly filtered structured water, create a clean indoor environment free of chemicals and EMF and foster posi ve emo onal energy from the pet's family. Visit for more details. 2. Ensure all the essen al nutrients and super foods are supplied in Broke Care is not Working The Power To Heal is Yours

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