
Volume 6 Issue 2

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Healing IS Voltage Electrons and voltage are in mately related, for excited state electrons create voltage or electrical poten al energy. In electrical terms, voltage is stored work poten al. Amperage is the movement of electrons performing the work. When electrons move from one place to another, it is called current. When a voltmeter is placed across the leads of a ba ery, the reading you get is the difference in electrical pressure – the poten al – between the two poles. This pressure represents the excess electrons present at one pole of the ba ery. Incidentally this is caused by a chemical reac on within the ba ery, as it is ready to flow to the opposite pole. In energy medicine, each cell is designed to run at a specific voltage, crea ng high-energy electrons available to do work. Voltage makes the world go around in the universe of your cells with SEVEN important and interrelated concepts. It's important to keep in mind that the earth's PEMFs enhance and catalyze all seven processes men oned below, both directly and indirectly. These seven aspects of energy crea on in the body work together simultaneously and synergis cally and it's only for educa onal purposes that we'll look at each component individually. 7 Cellular Benefits of the Earth's PEMFs: 1. Recharges the Trans-Membrane Poten al or TMP. 2. Increases ATP produc on in the mitochondria. 3. Enhances the sodium-potassium pump. 4. Increases cellular pH to make the cells and body more alkaline. 5. Improves oxygen uptake and assimila on into the cells. 6. Lowers blood viscosity and improves circula on and microcircula on. 7. Creates healthy level of electropora on (openings in the cells for improved nutrient transport and elimina on). 1. PEMF Recharges Your Trans-Membrane Potential or TMP Cell membranes are made of two layers of fats called phospholipid. A phospholipid has a polar group on one end, which is a conductor, and two fa y acid chain insulators. The lipid bilayer of the cell is arranged so the fa y acid chains are in the middle with the polar group on the outside and inside of the cell membrane. When you have two conductors separated by an insulator, an electronic device called a capacitor is created. Capacitors store electrons and voltage, serving as ba ery packs for the cells. Since human cells are roughly 7-10 nanometers (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter), and on average operate at around 70 millivolts, that would give a capacitance of 10 million volts per meter! This is an incredible amount of energy stored across such a short distance hin ng at just how energe c our cells are rela ve to their small size (5000 cells can fit across an inch). One of the most important benefits of the earth's PEMFs on the body is to charge the trans-membrane poten al or TMP. Dr. Otto Warburg and Cellular Voltage According to Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. O o Warburg, cells maintain a voltage across their membrane, which is analogous to the voltage of a ba ery. He found that healthy cells have a measurable voltage from 70 to 100 millivolts, with the heart cells having the highest (upwards to 90-100 millivolts). Dr. Warburg found that due to the constant stress of modern life along with a toxic environment and the aging process, cellular voltage drops. People with chronic illnesses and chronic fa gue unilaterally had a diminished cellular voltage (30-50 millivolts). Cancer pa ents displayed the lowest voltage at less than 15-20 millivolts. Ever wonder why there is no heart cancer? The reason is because the heart cells have the highest voltage of any cells in the body. So, you see, health is literally an energy game at the "CELL"-ULAR level. There truly are no excep ons to this rule; if your cells have energy, you are healthy, if not, you get sick. If we can keep our cellular voltage charged in the healthy range, we can radically extend our lifespan. This is why PEMF therapy devices are one of the most powerful and effec ve an -aging tools available today! Page 42 | Abby's Magazine -

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