
Volume 6 Issue 2

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Page 40 | Abby's Magazine - FREQUENCY 2 Hz 7 Hz 10 Hz 15, 20 Hz EFFECTS Nerve Regenera on Bone Growth Ligament Healing S mula on Capillary Forma on Frequencies That the Human Body Emits (0-30 Hz) Perhaps most exci ng is the research of Dr. John Zimmerman. In the early 1980's, Dr. Zimmerman began a series of important studies on therapeu c touch, using a SQUID magnetometer at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver. Zimmerman discovered that a pulsa ng biomagne c field emanated from the hands of therapeu c touch prac oners. The Body's Tissues also Need 0-30 Hz Zimmerman found the frequency of the pulsa ons are not steady, but "sweep" up and down, from 0 to 30 Hz (cycles per second), with the most ac vity around the Schumann resonance in the 7-8 Hz range. The primary frequency emi ed by the earth is the primary frequency we emit as well! FIGURE 2 Biomagne c pulsa ons from the hands are in iden cal range of frequencies the earth emits, as well as what our cells and ssues respond to. These frequencies necessary for healing indicate they naturally sweep back and forth through the full range of therapeu c frequencies from the aforemen oned Siskin/Walker study, thus being able to s mulate healing in any part of the body. Bridging The Gap Bridging The Gap Bridging The Gap Bridging The Gap Helping Bridge the Gap between You & Your Customers Helping Bridge the Gap Between You & Your Customers CALL TODAY: 727-455-6830 ONLINE: EMAIL: Brochure Design • Logo Design • Web Design • Publication Design • Infographics Print Collateral • Branding & Identity • Print • Typography • Much More YOUR PROFESSIONAL IMAGE NEEDS TO BE VISUAL & COMPETITIVE in the FLORIDA PRINT AWARDS BEST OF CATEGORY Winners 2X Designer of Abby's Magazine

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