
Volume 6 Issue 2

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Dr. Marlene Siegel Pasco Veterinary Medical Center 813-973-2929 Simply put, energy medicine techniques are all designed to restore the normal vibra onal frequency of the cell, allowing cellular communica on and energy flow to return and the bodies innate wisdom can then heal. In Western Medicine, doctors diagnose disease and only work in the physical body. They "Name it", "Blame it", then try to "Tame it" with drugs or surgery, but rarely do they address the root cause of the disease. If the condi ons that lead to the dis-ease are not corrected, it is likely that the dis-ease will return, and o en the problem is worse! Associated with every disease are trapped emo ons. We know we pass our genes to our children, but we also can pass trapped emo ons. These are emo ons that are not "processed", they do not pass through our body, but get "stuck" somewhere in the body. When they are "stuck" they con nue to emit frequency, becoming energe cally disrup ve to the area they are stuck in. For example, people who experience extreme grief o en trap these emo ons in the lungs. If not released, these individuals may develop breast cancer or lung disease. Interes ngly, animals can entrain to energies from their owners. Entrainment is a physics principle that describes how 2 energies come together and influence each other. An example of a posi ve entrainment… you go to a terrific mo va onal lecture and feel totally empowered when you leave. Another example of entrainment is being around energy vampires, people who suck you dry, or you feel drained a er being with them. Both of these cases illustrate entrainment of energy. What is fascina ng, is that the dis-ease condi ons and associated trapped emo ons in these animals, o en have a direct rela onship to the trapped emo ons and energy blockages of the owner! Once the trapped emo ons of the pet are iden fied and released, the trapped emo ons can be released from the owner as well. In western medicine, when doctors run out of drug and surgical op ons, they tell you "I'm sorry, there is nothing more we can do for you, go get your affairs in order." With energy medicine, we NEVER run out of things to do! In my prac ce, I help my clients understand that dis-ease cannot exist when the body is in alignment and the cellular energy is op mum. Knowing that at least 70% of the immune system lives in the gut, diet and gut health form the founda on of my prac ce. I address physical and energe c alignment through chiroprac c and chakra balancing. Next I address detoxifica on and restora on of cell func on. I incorporate modali es such as magne c resonance (Magnesphere), ozone, laser, homeopathy, touch healing, and acupuncture. Other tools I love are aromatherapy, botanical medicine, flower, light and gem essences. To download my FREE ebook, The 5 Steps To Healing Your Pet Holis cally, go to www.holis Sadly, there are eastern or holis c prac oners who model a er western medicine and use herbs and oils to treat symptoms. This is not true energy medicine. It is no be er to use an herb or essen al oil for an "ill" as it is to use a pill for an "ill." The root cause MUST be addressed and the cellular energy MUST be restored to create balance and allow healing. If you believe like I do, that everything happens for a reason, then all the clues needed to solve the mysteries of dis-ease exist around us, we just need to become aware. Take the reins, take control and drive your life where you want to go! Abby's Magazine - Volume 6 Issue 2 | Page 33

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