
Volume 5 Issue 4

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increase as needed to stool so ness and back up on the dose if your stools become too loose; otherwise use glycinate) – Vitamin B complex – 2 tablespoons of freshly ground flax seeds daily – Maca powder energy smoothie: 1 large banana (fresh or frozen) 1 large tablespoon of almond bu er (if you are allergic to nuts use coconut bu er) 1 level tablespoon of Maca powder (available in large natural food stores) ½ cup of frozen blueberries 1 tablespoon of freshly ground flax seeds ½ cup of almond, hemp, coconut, or soy milk Op onal: cocoa powder for a chocolate-y blend Blend all on high speed and have as a breakfast or snack daily. Maca is a nourishing, restora ve tonic. The Quechua Indians of Peru's central highlands consider it a nutri ous food that promotes mental acuity, physical vitality, endurance, stamina, fer lity, and libido. The dried Maca root is rich in essen al amino acids, iodine, iron, and magnesium. There is some concern that Maca can reduce thyroid func on, so if you plan to use this regularly and have a history of thyroid problems, discuss your plans with your primary care provider. Intimacy: The Gateway to Hot Sex While a new dad may want to get his pre-baby sex life back quickly, o en what a new mama craves most is not necessarily hot sex, but in macy. In macy can be a great gateway to reinvigora ng your sex life. Pa ence is also important. While some women want to start having sex even sooner than the 6 weeks generally recommended by OBs and midwives (there is, actually no medically significant wai ng me – you can start having sex as soon as you feel ready), most couples find it takes about a year to fully reboot their sex life. The key is to make space for in macy and sensuality, talking openly and understanding each other's needs, and finding ways to please each other without pushing past your limits of comfort. It is easy to have paren ng become an excuse for ignoring or avoiding in macy and sensuality, but for everyone's health, it is important not to do this. Let your partner know what you are going through, and what you need. Right now, you might feel you need to be nurtured rather than to experience physical in macy and orgasms. Our partners might feel the need for the la er. Are there ways you can meet each other in the middle so that you each get what you need? There are lots of ways to share pleasure without intercourse un l you are ready to take that step. Find ways to give your partner pleasure, and ask your partner to go slow with your body as you re-kindle receiving pleasure and your body heals – whether from a vaginal birth or a cesarean. Many moms are so pre-occupied with baby concerns and household or work "to do" lists that we can't unwind enough from the cha er even when things do start to get in mate. In fact, you might need to step out of your mommy mind for a few hours on a regular basis to even be able to get in touch with your sexy self. So, find ways to turn it off now and then so you can get turned on! Priori ze your rela onship by crea ng a regular date night. It's ok to leave your baby in the hands of a loving friend, rela ve, or competent babysi er, even if you're a full me nursing mama, for a few hours to keep your rela onship nurtured. In the long-run, healthy parents who love each other is one of the greatest gi s you can give to your child. Abby's Magazine -Volume 5 Issue 4 | Page 31

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