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Page 12| Abby's Magazine - 16 the doctors' prescription for healthy living O f all the thousands of children's vitamins and supplements marketed today, we've pretty much narrowed down our choices to just a few. Well, my three kids have done the work for me. Like all kids, they have very particular opinions on how supplements taste and feel on their tongue and if they don't feel right, they won't take them, which means I've bought my kids a lot of prod- ucts that couldn't pass their own taste tests. One supplement that has not only passed but that they actually LOVE and that I LOVE them taking daily is actually one of the very best for making them immune to common colds, fl u, allergies and all sorts of yucky germs that they will come into contact with during the school year. As a parent, I love Immune Tree Colostrum Strawberry Moo Chews because I know that fi rst milking colostrum is a great whole food supplement that really helps kids. We usually think of colostrum as the fi rst milk of all mammals following birth, rich in immune and growth factors, as important for the newborn, and it defi nitely is. But consumption by humans of the co- lostrum produced when a dairy animal gives birth is an established tradition in many traditional societ- ies to improve people's health. Modern researchers also recognize the multitude of immune factors in fi rst-milking colostrum protect children of all ages (as well as adults). At the Center for Studies of Sensory Impair- ment, Aging and Metabolism, Guatemala City, Guatemala, researchers are also very interested in fi rst-milking colostrum as a means of protecting malnourished, impoverished children worldwide. "The growth, development and health condi- tions for children living under deprived conditions in developing countries are so adverse that imme- diate public health measures to reduce morbidity and improve nutrition are urgently needed," notes a report in the August 2002 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "Preventing and short- ening the course of diarrhoeal episodes, eliminat- ing protozoal colonization and balancing intestinal microfl ora would all contribute to these goals. Children's Health "Recent advances in food technology in in- dustrial dairying allow for continuous availability of stabilized bovine colostrum concentrate, both natural and hyperimmunized against specifi c hu- man pathogens. This is safe for the calves of the producers themselves, for laboratory animals, and generally for humans, with the caveat of the milk- allergic. Moreover, substantial amounts of orally ingested bovine colostrum concentrate survive their passage through the stomach to remain in- tact and active in the lower reaches of the bowel. Studies in animals, human volunteers and naturally infected humans have demonstrated a therapeutic effi cacy of oral bovine colostrum with certain infec- tions. Similarly, attempts to prevent gastrointestinal infections in animals, exposed volunteers and at- risk populations have met with limited success with specifi c pathogens." The article notes that it is time to begin to as- sess the feasibility and potential effectiveness and effi ciency of employing seasonal or chronic bovine colostrum feeding in populations of deprived in- fantile populations to reduce the rates of recurrent gastroenteritis and to improve vitality and nutritional status in early life. But hey some of these germs are lurking here in North America too. I mean, how many of our kids at one time or another have suffered from an epis- ode of stomach upset so bad that it causes diar- rhea? And what about those little bugs that cause lingering sniffl es and snuffl es? The good news is that my kids are rarely under the weather and I at- tribute this to their daily use of a great multivitamin and, of course, Immune Tree Colostrum Strawberry Moo Chews. PRESCRIPTION FOR HEALTHY CHILDREN Children truly benefi t from fi rst-milking colostrum. Immune Tree Strawberry Moo Chews make taking colostrum easy. Don't think of colostrum, however, as simply a nutritional supplement. Rather, think of it as a whole food concentrate, for that's truly what our fi rst-milking colostrum is. If your child has recurrent respiratory illnesses, middle ear infections or too many other common infectious maladies such as colds or fl u, you will be so happy to see his or her health improve with this wonderful formula. —David Steinman REFERENCES Solomons, N.W. "Modulation of the immune system and the response against pathogens with bovine colostrum concentrates." Eur J Clin Nutr, 2002;56 Suppl 3:S24-28. #1 Choice for Kids' Immune Protection Dosage Have your child chew three to six strawberry- flavored chewables daily. Compliments Of: O f all the thousands of children's vitamins and supplements marketed today, we've pretty much narrowed down our choices to just a few. Well, my three kids have done the work for me. Like all kids, they have very particular opinions on how supplements taste and feel on their tongue and if they don't feel right, they won't take them, which means I've bought my kids a lot of prod- ucts that couldn't pass their own taste tests. One supplement that has not only passed but that they actually LOVE and that I LOVE them taking daily is actually one of the very best for making them immune to common colds, fl u, allergies and all sorts of yucky germs that they will come into contact with during the school year. As a parent, I love Immune Tree Colostrum Strawberry Moo Chews because I know that fi rst milking colostrum is a great whole food supplement that really helps kids. We usually think of colostrum as the fi rst milk of all mammals following birth, rich in immune and growth factors, as important for the newborn, and it defi nitely is. But consumption by humans of the co- lostrum produced when a dairy animal gives birth is an established tradition in many traditional societ- ies to improve people's health. Modern researchers also recognize the multitude of immune factors in fi rst-milking colostrum protect children of all ages "Recent advances in food technology in in- dustrial dairying allow for continuous availability of stabilized bovine colostrum concentrate, both natural and hyperimmunized against specifi c hu- man pathogens. This is safe for the calves of the producers themselves, for laboratory animals, and generally for humans, with the caveat of the milk- allergic. Moreover, substantial amounts of orally ingested bovine colostrum concentrate survive their passage through the stomach to remain in- tact and active in the lower reaches of the bowel. Studies in animals, human volunteers and naturally infected humans have demonstrated a therapeutic effi cacy of oral bovine colostrum with certain infec- tions. Similarly, attempts to prevent gastrointestinal infections in animals, exposed volunteers and at- risk populations have met with limited success with specifi c pathogens." The article notes that it is time to begin to as- sess the feasibility and potential effectiveness and effi ciency of employing seasonal or chronic bovine colostrum feeding in populations of deprived in- fantile populations to reduce the rates of recurrent gastroenteritis and to improve vitality and nutritional status in early life. But hey some of these germs are lurking here in North America too. I mean, how many of our kids at one time or another have suffered from an epis- ode of stomach upset so bad that it causes diar- rhea? And what about those little bugs that cause lingering sniffl es and snuffl es? The good news is that my kids are rarely under the weather and I at- tribute this to their daily use of a great multivitamin #1 Choice for Kids' Immune Protection daily. Now available at: O f all the thousands of children's vitamins and supplements marketed today, we've pretty much narrowed down our choices to just a few. Well, my three kids have done the work for me. Like all kids, they have very particular opinions on how supplements taste and feel on their tongue and if they don't feel right, they won't take them, which means I've bought my kids a lot of prod- ucts that couldn't pass their own taste tests. One supplement that has not only passed but that they actually LOVE and that I LOVE them taking daily is actually one of the very best for making them immune to common colds, fl u, allergies and all sorts of yucky germs that they will come into contact with during the school year. As a parent, I love Immune Tree Colostrum Strawberry Moo Chews because I know that fi rst milking colostrum is a great whole food supplement that really helps kids. We usually think of colostrum as the fi rst milk of all mammals following birth, rich in immune and growth factors, as important for the newborn, and it defi nitely is. But consumption by humans of the co- lostrum produced when a dairy animal gives birth is Children's Health "Recent advances in food technology in in- dustrial dairying allow for continuous availability of stabilized bovine colostrum concentrate, both natural and hyperimmunized against specifi c hu- man pathogens. This is safe for the calves of the producers themselves, for laboratory animals, and generally for humans, with the caveat of the milk- allergic. Moreover, substantial amounts of orally ingested bovine colostrum concentrate survive their passage through the stomach to remain in- tact and active in the lower reaches of the bowel. Studies in animals, human volunteers and naturally infected humans have demonstrated a therapeutic effi cacy of oral bovine colostrum with certain infec- tions. Similarly, attempts to prevent gastrointestinal infections in animals, exposed volunteers and at- risk populations have met with limited success with specifi c pathogens." The article notes that it is time to begin to as- sess the feasibility and potential effectiveness and effi ciency of employing seasonal or chronic bovine colostrum feeding in populations of deprived in- fantile populations to reduce the rates of recurrent gastroenteritis and to improve vitality and nutritional status in early life. But hey some of these germs are lurking here in North America too. I mean, how many of our kids at one time or another have suffered from an epis- ode of stomach upset so bad that it causes diar- #1 Choice for Kids' Immune Protection Dosage