
Volume 4 Issue 5

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Abby's Magazine - Volume 4 Issue 5 | Page 43 glioma, the most common brain tumor, with one study finding a 39% increase. An Israeli study found heavy users were about 50% more likely to suffer tumors of the paro d salivary gland. Two studies into acous c neuroma, a tumor of a nerve between the ear and brain, reported a higher risk a er using mobiles for ten years. A Swedish report reported the risk as being 3.9 mes higher. Contradic ng the study's conclusions, Dr. Elisabeth Cardis of the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona (who led the stud) said: "Overall, my opinion is that the results show a real effect." Bruce Armstrong, another Interphone researcher from the University of Sydney, said: "There is evidence that there may be a risk; Interphone has made that a li le stronger." Why did the study reverse itself at the end? Many observers believe that the study's independence was compromised because the mobile phone manufacturers helped fund the project to the tune of around 5.5 million Euros. In 2015, a landmark cellphone "Right to Know" law was passed with a unanimous 9-0 vote by the city council of Berkeley, California, home of the world renowned University of California Berkeley and arguably one of the most erudite ci es in the world. This was the first safety ordinance of its kind in the United States and requires cell phone makers to include a city-prepared no ce le ng people know the minimum separa on a cell phone must be held from the body to limit radia on exposure. Measures to Help Minimize Cell Phone Health Risks A good rule of thumb when it comes to cell phones: distance is your friend. In other words, the farther you keep a cell phone from your body, both when carrying it and when talking on it, the be er. In other words, do not keep cell phones in your pockets, clipped to your belt, or stuffed into your bra. Likewise, do not keep a cell phone turned on and close by when sleeping. Here are the five measures adapted from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) for safer cell phone use: Use a headset or speaker instead of holding the phone up to your ear. When in use, hold phone away from your body − The amount of radia on absorbed by your head and body decreases drama cally with even a small distance. Don't put the phone in your pocket or clip it to your belt, even when using your headset. Text more and talk less − Phones emit less radia on when sending text rather than voice communica ons. Call when the signal is strong − Fewer signal bars mean the phone must try harder to broadcast its signal. Research shows that radia on exposure increases drama cally when cell phone signals are weak. Don't store your phone in your pocket (or under your pillow) − When a phone is on and not in use, it s ll sends out an intermi ent signal to connect with nearby cell phone towers, which means mobile phone radia on exposure is s ll happening. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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