
Volume 4 Issue 3

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To investigate which came first — the malnutrition or the stunted growth of microbes — the researchers implanted fecal microbes from healthy and malnourished children into germ-free mice. All of the mice were then given the same diet, approximating the typical diet of a child in Malawi. Despite the lack of adequate nutrition in the diet, the mice that received microbes from healthy youngsters grew bigger across the board, suggesting healthy gut bacteria may in fact counteract a nutrient-poor diet. Gut Bacteria influence Growth factor hormone Another recent study discovered a similar connection between the microbiome and nutrition. As in the study above, with all things being equal in terms of diet, mice with healthy bacteria in their guts grew better than germ-free mice. Interestingly, as reported in the featured article, here they found that gut microbes had a hormonal influence: "e experimental mice all produced the same amount of growth factor hormone, but those without gut bacteria didn't have as much of the secondary growth hormone that first one usually produces. Giving the mice this secondary hormone as a supplement boosted their growth back up, even when they didn't have gut microbes. And they found at least one strain of the bacteria Lactobacillus that gave the microbe-less mice an instant hormone boost." Worldwide, malnutrition is the leading cause of death before the age of 5, and three new studies suggest optimizing children's microbiome — the colonies of bacteria residing in the gut — may be key to combating this tragedy. Research suggests that many people are deficient in healthy gut bacteria, making this an important consideration if you're not feeling in optimal shape, physically or psychologically. e bacteria in your gut have wide-ranging and cascading health effects. Not only have gut bacteria been found to influence the processing and utilization of nutrients and even help protect against food borne disease, it's also well known that an unbalanced microbiome can weaken your immune system. optimizinG Gut microBes may ward aGainst malnutrition As reported by e Washington Post: "In previous studies, Gordon and his colleagues found a connection between childhood gut microbiota ... and developmental success. Children who were malnourished tended to have gut microbes similar to children younger than themselves, as if the microbial 'organ' itself had been as stunted as the rest of their body..." FACT: YOUR HEALTH IS THE RESULT OF A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH 100 TRILLION BACTERIA. How Probiotics and Fiber Help Combat Malnutrition Help Combat Malnutrition Help Combat Malnutrition Help Combat Malnutrition How Probiotics and Fiber How Probiotics and Fiber How Probiotics and Fiber Page 44 | Abby's Magazine -

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