
Volume 4 Issue 3

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I recently visited a lovely agricultural venue in Plant City that had huge crowds on a perfectly beautiful spring day. ey offered a sunflower maze, wildflower field, arts/ cras, games, exhibits, antiques and lots of fun food. e farmer/rancher that owned this venue sat and talked to me about how wildly popular this type of thing is today. I described some of my experience with working with venues of this type (a blueberry farm and Abby's farm) and we concluded that the demographics suggest that it is a return by this next generation to the soil. If you asked most youngsters today where food comes from, they are likely to say Walmart or Publix (and certainly Abby's) but the concept of how and where it really comes from is lost. We've been reading of the demise of the small, local farms and ranches for at least the last two decades with farming and ranching being labeled as just more of the ugly underbelly we see in corporate America. e fact is the organic movement is actually responsible for turning this tide and reversing a terrible trend in the U.S. and indeed around the globe regarding our food. Growing organically and raising fowl and livestock in a responsible manner, at least today, is more time consuming and expensive than its conventional counterpart. e movement has given rise to a whole new generation of smaller farms and ranches to offer healthy alternatives, because the public is now better informed to make their choice. Organic, is now the fastest growing food segment in the country thanks to a better informed and educated public. "To grow a garden.....means that you believe in Tomorrow". is was on a plaque (no author) at the farm we visited and it reminded me that Abby Sayler truly believes in tomorrow. She is the visionary responsible for our organic community farm in Lutz and has committed her life's work to educating people about the importance of healthy choices. Hopefully we all contribute some Page 26 | Abby's Magazine -

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