
Volume 4 Issue 3

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Two days a year we dedicate to you, our loyal customers. e two-day event begins on Saturday morning but the preparations start months in advance. e manufacturer's demos are set-up, the give-a-ways and raffle prizes chosen, bargains are put in place and Abby's friendliest staff is there to welcome you to the two-day event as scheduled. Once you park, you may very well be picked up by the Abby's Courtesy Golf Cart, a new addition to facilitate your experience at Abby's and provide you with raving customer service. Rain or shine, we will pick you up or drop you off at your vehicle if needed. As you walk up to Abby's, you are welcomed by the friendly smiles behind the Welcome Booth and the Abby's Organic Farm Booth. Sign up for raffles and prizes and make sure to let us know what we can improve for our next event. Behind the Abby's Organic Farm booth, you will get the scoop on what's going on at Hwy 41 in Lutz, behind the little farm house and green houses that have popped up the last few months. Take a look at the two-page spread in this issue for an immediate update on Abby's Organic Farm. Entering into Abby's Health and Nutrition, you will be greeted by one or two friendly smiles that will offer you a bag for all the goodies and samples you will have available to Abby's Appreciation Weekend Abby's Appreciation Weekend Page 24 | Abby's Magazine -

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