Health & Wellness

Boomer Edition | 11th Annual - 2015

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Health and Wellness Magazine • 7 PuBlisher creatiVe director editor writers PhotograPher Peter Solveson Patrick Creyts Debra Melani Sarah Protzman Howlett Andrea Juarez Lisa Marshall Rhea Maze Debra Melani Courtney Messenbaugh Maribeth Neelis Allyson Reedy Kris Scott Morgan Tilton Farrah Jobling Copyright 2015 Solve Health Media. All Rights Reserved. Repro- duction or use of editorial, data or graphic content is prohibited without written consent from Solve Health Media. Health & Wellness Boomer Edition is a biannual publication of Solve Health Media. It is not intended to provide medical advice on individual health matters. Please consult your physician for any health concerns. Subject matter and content of editorial and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of HCA - HealthONE and Solve Health Media. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. Solve Health Media assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Please notify Solve Health Media with any changes, additions or complimentary copies. Boulder, Colorado 303.484.9001 committed to sustainaBle Printing methods Publication Printers of Denver prints Health & Wellness magazine. The paper fibers, soy, agri-based inks, and methods used meet or exceed all federal Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). JUNE 2015: Health & Wellness Boomer Edition Call today for dEtails M E D I A D E S I G N HEALTH HEaltHWEllNEssColorado.Com — Your online guide to local physicians and health articles — 29 Physician Directory Has Gone Mobile! For the first time in 13 years, Health & Wellness is not printing its physician directory within these pages. Instead, we are publishing this popular resource online. The new directory is designed for your mobile phone and tablet. We've embraced digital publishing capabilities, such as search, links, maps, imagery and videos, to improve the directory's value. We are updating our medium, but our goal remains the same: to serve as Colorado's resource for finding and researching physicians. As a longtime data-collecting geek interested in organizing and presenting information, I first envisioned Health & Wellness magazine and its physician directory during a business journal conference in 2000. Business journals were successful in creating lists that ranked businesses (fastest-growing, women-owned, largest employers, etc.) and I thought: Why not publish community health care lists? The idea incubated until I woke up one morning in May of 2002 and began to build a database of physicians in Longmont. Many years and publications later, we are still publishing a community-focused health care magazine and physician directory that helps bring physicians, hospitals and communities together. We are simply changing with the times, bringing the directory to you in a high-tech format aimed at being even more user-friendly. Please visit and let us know how it works for you. Lessons Learned Whether you are a baby boomer, disease survivor, professional hockey player, or post-surgical patient, keeping a positive outlook and commitment to staying healthy or getting better is critical. Like an athlete fighting to win until the buzzer sounds, we should never give in. We should strive to get better, accept our challenges and embrace our teammates and loved ones in life: family, friends, caregivers, coaches and providers. My sincere thanks go to the following people for sharing their personal journeys to help raise awareness for others who might face similar challenges. I am humbled and inspired by your strength and courage. Betsy Mathies, Mary Tappe, Barry Dermer, Angelo Galasso, Michael Jozwiak, Mary and Barry Dobson, Jay Phillips, David Holmberg and all of you who help us fulfill our mission. Colorado is a place where peo- ple take responsibility for their health and succeed. We are lucky to have so many talented providers, specialized programs and innovative technologies serving our state. I hope you enjoy this edition as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Sincerely, Peter solveson, Publisher Health & Wellness Magazine

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