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"I didn't really know how to process it," says Jozwiak, who had gone to his doctor for "intense temporal headaches" that had bothered him for about three weeks early last summer. "It was a surprise." But faith kept fear from settling in and helped him focus, he says. "I knew everything was going to be just fine. I just started looking for the next steps to get the problem solved." Those next steps led Jozwiak down the road to Sky Ridge Medical Center in Lone Tree, where he found doctors who made him feel confident and an advanced neurological department that made the process so smooth, he says he's still surprised. "I'm just by Debra Melani expert care, Positive attitude guide Brain-Tumor Patient OPTIMISTIC VIEWS Three things helped Michael Jozwiak through a brain- tumor diagnosis: faith, technology and finding the right doctor. Faith kicked in first, when his primary-care physician gave him the jolting news instead of a prescription for a heavy-duty pain reliever, which is what the 47-year-old Colorado Springs resident had expected. Above, Michael Jozwiak enjoys the scenery at the Garden of the Gods near his Colorado Springs home. Below, Dr. Brent Kimball, part of the Sky Ridge Medical Center team of neurosurgeons, poses at his practice. photo: Jonathon Betz 16 • Medical Profile