
Volume 8 Issue 3

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Page 32 | Abby's Magazine - EMF (or ElectroMagne c Field) comes from electricity. In the home – DECT cordless phones, hairdryers, vacuums, refrigerators, microwave ovens, irons, televisions (the flat panel TVs are much be er than the old box-style TVs), main ring and ligh ng circuits, dimmer switches, electric blankets, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, WiFi, fans etc. In office's – computers, fluorescent or halogen ligh ng, fax machines, photocopiers, scanners, cell phones and WiFi. Outside – power lines (high voltage cables either overhead or buried in the ground), transformers (the gray cylinders raised up) and now 5G boosters. EMF is divided into 4 areas • Electric Fields: Defined as voltage. Considered low frequency. • Magne c Fields: Defined as electric current. Considered low frequency. • High Frequency Fields: Radia on from wireless devices, cell phones & WiFi • Dirty Electricity: Transmi ed from the wiring within buildings. Considered intermi ent frequency. All electronics plugged in (even if they are not turned on) bombard us with EMF To understand low frequency fields (electric and magne c), consider a lamp that is plugged into an outlet but not turned on. There is "electric" going through the cord though the current is not flowing. That voltage present in the cord creates an electric field. When the light is turned on and current is flowing, it now creates a magne c field. Items that run on electricity, such as hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators and electric can openers can emit exceedingly high levels of Electric and Magne c field frequency. Animals are par cularly sensi ve to EMF and suffer the same deleterious effects. Appliances that are "turned off" are s ll pulling voltage as evident in the dials and displays that are lit. These devices are pulling "phantom" electricity and contribu ng to low frequency EMF pollu on (and cos ng you more in electric usage). How does EMF harm us? EMF sets off a chain reac on, star ng with crea ng a subtle effect on the skin's cell membrane that affects the calcium channels (how calcium moves in and out of the cell), releasing oxidizing chemicals that a ack cell components, resul ng in mitochondrial damage (the energy powerhouse of the cell), DNA damage and intra and extracellular damage. The result is a lack of coherence, the cells no longer communicate effec vely crea ng dis-ease. Iron, necessary for healthy blood and many other metabolic func ons, is highly affected by EMF. The permeability of the cell membrane of nerves, blood vessels, skin, and other organs are affected as well. Symptoms related to EMF exposure could be headaches, fa gue, dizziness, skin rashes, miscarriage, leukemia, and cancer. Animals are par cularly sensi ve to EMF and suffer the same deleterious effects. I have conducted many studies using Light Field Microscopy to evaluate the morphology of red blood cells a er exposure to EMF and the response of the red blood cells to EMF protec on devices. The red blood cells are vitally important for bringing in and delivering oxygen to the ssues and removing waste products from cellular metabolism. The cells use their surface are to perform these func ons. The more surface are available, the be er the cells perform. The picture below on the le demonstrates the nega ve impact seen me a er me of EMF on the red blood cells. EMF It is here to stay There is hope for how to cope

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