
Volume 1 Issue 3

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Spring Cleaning By Dr. DelRae Messer, D.C. It's that time of year! Spring cleaning should be in full effect, and I'm not talking about your just your house. Clean out your pantry and throw out those processed foods that contain transfats (hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils), sugar (anything ending in –ose), artificial sweeteners (sucralose, splenda, aspartame), as well as other harmful ingredients (msg, dyes, soy, enriched white or wheat flour, gluten, etc) No Sugar Lemonade 1 gallon filtered water 1 lemon sliced in wedges 3 droppers full liquid lemon stevia (NOW brand Lemon Twist) 8 oz Lakewoods Pure Organic Lemon juice Getting your kids to eat healthier doesn't have to be difficult. Give yourself a "fighting" chance by following my top 3 tips! 1. Wean them off sugar. If your kids are eating Trix for breakfast, broccoli won't match up to the sugarladen artificial fruity flavors they are used to. First things first, eliminate soda, diet soda, sports drinks, and fruit juice. Research shows these products wreck the most havoc on your children's health, cognition, learning, behavior, and weight. And, they are extremely addicting. Instead, substitute for my NO sugar lemonade. It tastes incredible and your kids won't know the difference - promise! :) The trick to weaning kids off sugar is to stay consistent. As soon as you give in to "treats" here or there, your kids have you wrapped around their finger and they will want them all of the time. I know, you don't want to deprive your kids and I don't either!! That's why every Sunday, my daughter and I enjoy a "treat". She looks forward to it during the week and says no to other snacks and desserts to enjoy what she gets to choose on Sunday. This Sunday, it was a brownie after her dinner. If you do things right 95% of the time, the other 5% isn't going to matter! ;) 2. Sub what they LOVE. We are creatures of habit and convenience. As a mother of a 9-year-old and one on the way, I know what "crazy" busy feels like. Throwing a bag of goldfish, fruit snacks, and apple juice at them after school or for a weekend snack sounds great…. easy and convenient, plus, the goldfish have real cheddar cheese and the fruit snacks have extra vitamin c and the apple juice has a whole serving of fruit for the day!!!…… Right?!... Wrong… these pre-packed and processed snacks are full of sugar, sugar, and more sugar. Thankfully, I have found some incredible products that will substitute the convenience of these foods and they TASTE GREAT so your kids will love them! See my Sub What you Love List in my book that comes with my Detox System for snacks on the go including, energy balls, trail mix, monkey treats, ants on a log, and healthy crackers, chips, and ranch dip! Page 24 | Abby's Magazine -

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